Category Archives: Brainwashing

Keep Everybody Safe. Is that the Goal? Really?

Published / by Lee Kessler / 1 Comment on Keep Everybody Safe. Is that the Goal? Really?

No matter where you turn these days you find people–including government officials, and all media– piling on the Covid bandwagon, using the mantra of, “the goal is to keep everybody safe.”

Better stop here for a moment. Examine this. Don’t swallow the marketing button–otherwise known as propaganda–without at least a common sense look.

Is it the responsibility of government to keep everybody safe? Is that our goal as individuals? To be safe our whole lives?

Are you making choices in all areas of life based upon what’s safe? Or are you stretching, risking, winning and losing? This country was conceived and created by people who did not play it safe. We built a great nation, not by staying safe, but by pioneering, dreaming, trying, failing, and trying again. There is nothing “safe” in the American character. We are a bold people.

Now before you get your underwear in a twist, I know what you are thinking. We are talking about physical safety and health when we look at this virus, or overall ill-health, etc. etc.

I’d like to suggest to you though that the goal is not to stay safe–especially if it means hiding from the virus. The goal is to defeat this virus. And that means head-on!

Like it or not, we all die at some point. Did we live our lives staying “safe?” Or did we take chances, challenge ourselves, put ourselves at risk?

If the goal is to be safe, what are you going to say when that day comes in the future that you are on your deathbed? “Well, here I am dying. But, by golly, I got to death safely!!”

What do you say we all stop trying to hide from this virus, and all work together to kill it, without killing our neighbors’ livelihoods and well-being? We can do both. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

They’re Back!

Published / by Lee Kessler / 2 Comments on They’re Back!

Often I take the time to point out a military strategy or tactic that I perceive to be in play in current events. I see one now that I want to illuminate for you. That tactic is “diversion.” We are massively diverting our attention right now to the election, recounts, court challenges etc. Those actions are all justified, but my sneaky mind says, “Lee, what are we not looking at? What are we missing?

You may need to put on a seat belt for the rest of this!

72.3 million of us voted for Donald J. Trump. Lawyers are battling now in 6 states, I believe, regarding varying types and degrees of voting “irregularities.” That’s a pretty wimpy word for an apparent attempt to overturn an election through fraud. I will let the experts and people responsible for this battle handle the string-pulling and evidence gathering.

My attention is on something else. The law firm hired by the DNC and presumably the Biden Campaign is Perkins Coie. Remember this name. You need to start getting this. Perkins Coie represented the DNC and the Clinton Campaign as well.

Perkins Coie hired Fusion GPS, and, for those of you who have actually watched testimony on Capitol Hill, or who have read transcripts of hearings, and seen internal now-declassified emails, you will recognize that name. Glen Simpson is the head of Fusion GPS. Fusion GPS hired Christopher Steele to write the now-debunked Steele Dossier. That dossier was maliciously planted, used, and led to a 2 year Mueller Investigation that found no collusion whatsoever between the Trump Campaign and Russia. Moreover, Steele himself has admitted it is unverifiable, and the “so-called” source has said it is not true–that it was a bunch of bar talk.

Well, that “bar talk” and “gossip” cost the American taxpayer $40 million dollars if I remember correctly, ruined the lives of countless Americans, and it put this country through hell for 3 years as Washington bureaucrats tried to find the President guilty of something he did not do. Fusion GPS is admittedly an “opposition research” firm. They created that debacle. Opposition research should be factual, even if lurid. To make it fiction, as well as lurid, should be criminal.

In any case, Glen Simpson is on the job again. Fusion GPS has been hired once again, and is currently working on something for the DNC. Wonder what new deception they are cooking up? It wasn’t election fraud, or machine ballot counting being done in Barcelona and Frankfurt, using a software purportedly created by Hugo Chavez for the purpose of election fraud. It could be. But my gut tells me it is something else. Something waiting in the wings, just in case the election night fraud scheme backfires.

In any case, they are back! Our Justice system did nothing to Fusion GPS, nor Glen Simpson, nor Christopher Steele. So, they have safely and with impunity started working on a new project for their employer. I expect Steele will have been jettisoned. But Fusion GPS and the DNC are up to something.

Follow the money, and follow their connection lines, and I suspect you will discover who masterminded the Propaganda War we are living through right now with this election. You will find who is staging a coup against the American people and our government.

Now I realize “them’s fightin’ words!” So be it. I have as much a right to my opinions as CNN has to theirs.

I have left clues in earlier Blogs. But, you might want to revisit the Blogs “All Roads Lead to Rome” and “All Roads Lead to Rome 2,” and “All Roads Lead to Rome 3.” (Archive dates 3/22/2019, 3/30/2019, and 4/1/2019) The same cast of characters keeps popping up.

And while your attention is on Dominion Software and Smartmatic? (and rightfully so) you need to also look really closely at our CIA. Very especially former CIA Director John Brennan. Stay tuned Mr. Brennan!

The Outrageous Truth

Published / by Lee Kessler / 1 Comment on The Outrageous Truth

Over a year ago I laid out various military strategies that might be waged upon us in a Propaganda or Information War. The importance of the use of psychological warfare can not be overestimated–if your goal is to suppress people, and create a totalitarian regime.

To weaken a country, or a people, one looks to break the solidarity of the people, and to sabotage their ability to think and reason. Once the target group is rendered impotent in terms of reason and logic, they are ripe for the taking.

Two tactics are used by everyone in Propaganda. You will recognize both.

The first is: the lie told often enough becomes the truth. That is why incessant hammering by the Media on the population has caused people to not be able to differentiate between a lie and a truth, between a fact and an opinion. It is the repetition of message–done almost verbatim–that eventually overwhelms one’s mind. Soon, you find yourself doubting your own reality. Or, worse yet, repeating what you heard and embracing it as truth. The lie told often enough becomes the truth.

I think we all can identify a plethora of that phenomena. But, the second one is equally deadly. Both of these tactics by the way were embraced by Hitler, and subsequent totalitarians. They knew they had to override the normal decent nature of people. Mind control done through drip drip propaganda did the trick.

Here’s the second, and I encourage everyone to really pay attention! It renders even the truth-teller almost impotent. Here it is: Tell a truth so outrageous it is dismissed as a lie. You can tell a truth about some dastardly thing you are going to do, and have it be so outrageous in its concept that the mind of good people dismisses it summarily. Then, with them not paying any attention to it, you go ahead and follow through with what you said.

You could also be someone who discovers an outrageous truth, and articulates it to warn folks. But, it is dismissed or vilified immediately, and your communication now falls on deaf ears.

One tactic wants open ears to the point you embrace the lie. And the other wants closed ears so you dismiss and ignore the truth. Either one opens the door to some terrible mischief.

We are living through the latter tactic right now. Two days ago, President Trump and his legal team told the nation a truth so outrageous the Media and politicians piled on, eviscerated it, and tossed it and the messengers into the trash.

That “truth” so outrageous it is causing even the most fair-minded to reel? So hard to look at, let alone accept? The assertion that our election and the precious ballots which represent the will of the people have been corrupted by machines from a foreign dictatorship, by software developed to look normal, but to cheat when needed, by real-time monitors who can surreptitiously change results, and those ballots are being counted and stored on servers–not in the United States–but in Barcelona and Frankfurt!

Now, that is outrageous! That is crazy, you say. Be careful here. Most Americans have already been compromised by “the lie told often enough.” By default, that makes it much harder to discern an opposing “truth.”

Slow down here, my friends. Don’t be too quick to judge, or dismiss. Don’t turn a blind eye. These machines have been used for several years now. I wonder how many other elections–local, state, or federal–have had a remote potential?

The reason I want you to slow down–even though it is terrifying–is this. Yesterday, the Trump team stated the “truth.” They were promptly vilified over and over and over again. Yet, here’s the kicker. Today, just 24 hours later, the Dominion Elections machine execs failed to come to a Pennsylvania state hearing to discuss the machines. 24 hours ago they asserted loudly their innocence, saying the machines are great, and not capable of doing what is alleged. They said there was no software connection with Smartmatic, and it is absurd to think ill of them. They said they wanted to come and explain their side of it, explain the reality so we all could understand and feel good about our election.

But today, they no-showed the hearing. They lawyered up, and under advice of counsel, decided it was best to just keep their mouths shut. That’s good legal advice, but it sure does not reassure us. It is reported also, although I can not verify this yet, that they closed their offices and deleted their Linked In profiles etc.

Now, by anyone’s definition, that is suspicious. Too bad we are talking about the election of the President of the United States, and not a local election for dog catcher!

(By the way, this same exact phenomena occurred with Fusion GPS, its owner Glenn Simpson, and “I take the 5th” testimony. Ultimately that company, the DNC, and Clinton campaign–this is all documented, undisputed public record now–gave us the Steele Dossier, the Russia Collusion Hoax, and the Mueller Investigation. And every one who tried to sound the alarm on that company was vilified. A truth so outrageous…)

Your future lives depend now on us not rushing to judgment on Trump Team’s claims or evidence. This will prove true or not true. My hunch? It is true. And God help us all if they pull this off, and get away with altering the outcome of the presidential election in the United States of America. This should not be a party thing.

Think about that. And, then think about this: Who really hired and sent them?

I was asked recently how it felt to be living inside one of my own novels. Well, sadly, we all are living inside this one. I would rather write novels about such perfidy, not live through it personally. So, that is what I am going to do.

Meanwhile, let the legal, rule of law, constitutional rights issues play out. Do not rush, lest you find out too late that this “outrageous truth” is actually just “truth.”

Prediction for Nov. 3

Published / by Lee Kessler / 2 Comments on Prediction for Nov. 3

Here it is. Short and sweet. About 6 months ago, I made this prediction to friends and some business colleagues. As much as it appealed to them, they all thought I was way off–a real outlier. They could be right. But, since then I have monitored something that not even most Trump-leaning pollsters, analysts, or campaign activists seem to have thought to be significant. I did. And, I think it will determine the outcome tomorrow.

20% of the attendees at the President’s rallies, according to the campaign, are registered Democrats. Thousands arrived and the media assumed they were all Trump’s “base.” Honestly, it would have been good if these journalists did any thinking, or research.

Further, the campaign does not think these folks changed parties necessarily. They simply plan to mail in their vote or show up at the polls, and vote for Trump and whoever else.

In addition, apparently 25% of the attendees did not even vote in the 2016 election–let alone vote for Trump. Hardly his “base.” Fixed ideas can really skew one’s perspective.

As for me, I know Trump’s so-called “base” is there. But an additional 25% voting makes a huge additional vote. And if one-fifth of the traditional Democrat vote goes to Trump, that is also an additional vote.

You see, this is not about Democrat and Republican. It has always been about individual Americans choosing the person they feel best represents them.

My Prediction: Trump wins big–bigger than 2016. He also wins the popular vote.

The Democrats lose 70 seats in the House (not considered possible by political pundits. But I think voters are furious that their representative wasted time and money on phony impeachments and persecution. And the way they can show it is by removing their representative–for this election at least.)

The Democrats lose 6 Senate seats, giving the Republicans an even stronger majority in the Senate.

That’s it. Fairy tale, wishful thinking, or impending reality? We shall see.

“Wag the Dog 2”–new cast, same deception

Published / by Lee Kessler / 1 Comment on “Wag the Dog 2”–new cast, same deception

The film “Wag the Dog” was released in 1997. The plot involves a President trying to get reelected who gets caught in a scandal. His spin doctor hires a Hollywood producer to create a war, one so convincing that the media and public will be distracted by the war, and not notice the scandal. The war was fake, but, through the filmmaker’s genius, appeared real. Real enough to fool the country.

It was a brilliant and funny satiric revelation of just how manipulative politics, media, and Hollywood can get. Through skillful writing, filming, and editing, one can make anything appear real–even a completely false story. You could fool the media into taking the bait. But, what if the media was part of the deception–willfully part of the deception?

You should note that when I was researching Bin Laden and Ayman Al-Zawahiri for the insights that eventually led to “White King and the Doctor,” I discovered that it was reported Bin Laden’s favorite movie was “Wag the Dog.” That is in fact what gave me the idea to have Bin Laden in a film studio filming various scenarios that might happen in the future, and to have him launch his propaganda chief into an attack that would undermine the American free press, causing the American people to bring themselves down from within. All of it, based on creating something out of nothing, and then making the “something” appear so real that it was accepted as the truth.

There is a “Wag the Dog 2” being created right now. Many of you may see some things on the news but have not trained your eye to spot what is missing. You may be watching Trump or Biden rallies on TV–or the parts the media allows you to see–and you have missed something.

I currently live in a state where rallies have taken place locally, and the local news reporters and their cameramen sometimes capture things CNN would never allow out for example. If you have been anywhere in the vicinity of a Trump rally, whether local or national news covers it or not, you know the rally is there and it is large. I have also personally witnessed car and truck parades miles long spontaneously happening in my state of Florida. Boat parades and rallies are popping up all around the peninsula I live on.

The reverse is true of Biden rallies. I first noticed it when Biden came to Tampa to handle something with a voting block, and a rally was announced. I do not know what you saw on cable news networks, but what I saw was that those who showed up were Trump supporters.

That caught my attention. After that I began to watch every time Biden came out to a “rally.” Occasionally the cameraman would slip up and show the audience area, and it was obvious that there was either no one there but the Press, or a dozen or so people. The camera would then cut away immediately to avoid the embarrassment or truth of the event. During his train campaigning, when he stopped at various towns, the camera accidentally showed no audience.

Then I checked Kamala Harris, and at her rally a week or so ago, even though she came out to the stage in the park or field (the usual setting for Biden or Harris) waving to fans and, in a very unconvincing performance, peering out over what seemed like a large and sprawling crowd extending into the distance, once again the camera caught the attendees. There were about 25 people in the audience. My response? I simply said to myself, “Oh, no…”

Even more telling is the Obama rally in Miami area last week. It was, like most Biden rallies now, a drive-in rally. I assumed there would be a lot of people at this rally, given that it was the former President in a historically Democrat area. This time, even the cable network got caught up. They turned the camera at an angle, revealing the car audience from the point of view of President Obama. In my estimation, there were perhaps 100 cars–meaning 200 attendees.

Another rally this week interviewed Biden supporters after it. They explained they had heard about a rally, and came to see him, but were turned back at the venue. They were told it was a “private event” and they could not come in. They waited outside the publicly announced venue, and eventually a small caravan of cars came out honking.

Folks, this is a classic Wag the Dog. The Biden campaign has skillful cameramen, editors, and PR people, and the result is that you have been led to believe there actually is a vibrant, massively-supported candidate. The news then hammers the idea home with the polls every night.

In reality, there is almost no one coming out. It is a faux campaign. I am now convinced that all the polls are wrong–and possibly even deceptively created to put us in fear and uncertainty, and to make us convinced that a candidate who is not attracting a crowd as large as your office staff is clobbering his opponent. The visuals are being distorted to make you believe the vast majority of Americans are clamoring for Joe Biden, and would love to see him.

Someone may successfully create a work of fiction that actually puts the man in the White House, but it will have been through manipulation of the American people’s perceptions. A coordinated effort is being fed to you in what I will characterize as a Voter Suppression effort, and a Voter Intimidation effort.

The solution: turn off the TV and radio for the next 3 days. Watch no cable news–not even Fox–and do not look at any polls. No matter what juicy stories, scary forecasts or speculations come out today, tomorrow, and Monday, just do your job! Our job is to take the responsibility that comes with our citizenship: to VOTE on Tuesday, or before, in person.

This is your country, your government. You are the boss. And, if my experience at the polls in Florida this past week helping my 91 year old brother get to the polls for a vote in person in a wheelchair is any indicator, you will have fun. They are well-organized and trained here. Voter fraud at the polls would be very hard, and there will not be intimidation in the parking lots.

You have already been intimidated enough by the nightly cable news, and by fake, scripted, phonied-up rallies.

Shut out all noise now. It is “blinders on” time. Head down. Do not allow “Wag the Dog 2” to become a national bestseller. Films die when poorly attended. Don’t let cable news continue to sell you this “movie.”