Well, I certainly sparked a lot of communication from you with the last Blog. Your answers involve people who are all involved to some degree. The two that I was specifically referring to are directly relevant to the attempt to destroy a political opponent, and then, later, to overturn an election.
Most of this is public data now. But, I may connect a few dots for you differently. The one who launched the rumor line which triggered eventually the Mueller Investigation is Hillary Clinton, and the DNC. Using a law firm, it is known now that they hired an “opposition research” (otherwise known sadly as slander and lies team) firm to dig up dirt on candidate Trump. That led to the now-discredited Steele Dossier, which led to leaks to the Media, which led to FISA warrants, investigations, and the Mueller Investigation.
Mrs. Clinton doggedly refuses to not be President of the United States. She is waiting in the wings now, I believe, to be “drafted” by her party to give the President a run for his money. The Ukraine scandal I believe was intended to take out a political rival in her own party–Joe Biden. And, it was intended to damage President Trump, so that he would be bruised and weakened by the long, brutal Impeachment proceedings. It was a two-for.
Masterminding the implementation of this whole thing, I believe, is former CIA Director John Brennan. Clinton, Comey, Brennan, and Clapper were all high-level Obama officials, running the State Dept., the FBI, the CIA, and National Intelligence–not all at the same time, but all under the same administration and boss. However, the latter three ran together. An odd type of perverted Three Musketeers.
By the way, you can count on George Soros to have his fingers in almost every political pot globally. If it involves destruction and overthrow, you will find him there.
But, this operation was created by the man who thinks he is smarter than anyone else, and who apparently feels he should be the sole determiner of who sits in the White House. Whether he and Clinton actually conspired, I do not know. It will take a very brave prosecutor to ferret that out.
Brennan, nonetheless, took the Steele Dossier and sent it surreptitiously around to various individuals and countries in order to give it credibility. But, the stream-lined approach we now know went something like this. Fusion GPS hired Christopher Steele to “dig up dirt” on Trump on behalf of Clinton and the DNC. Steele either fabricated the content of the “dossier” or was duped by Russian Intelligence (or the Ukraine–pay attention to this one later).
The “dossier” then found its way to the Justice Dept. through a very suspicious connection between Fusion GPS and the Justice Dept. From there it reached the FBI. And, it found its way to Senator John McCain, who also gave it to the FBI.
Having failed to prevent Trump’s election and inauguration, John Brennan–still in the shadows–appears to have directed FBI Director Comey to meet with the President and show him the “dossier”–purportedly to prove to him why he needed daily briefings. If you assume, as I do, that the Intelligence Community is the insidious core of much of our country’s struggles, then each President can be controlled in his foreign policy by who briefs him, how often they brief him, and what the content of the briefing is. Ask yourself: If I were President of the United States, how would I know what is true and/or important? You wouldn’t. You would tend to rely upon the Intelligence team.
Trump is a maverick in more than one way. If you haven’t noticed by now, he has his own operating style and he trusts his own instincts and judgments. Having notified them that he did not need daily briefings, Comey ostensibly used the document to prove to him what kind of “stuff” can come up.
That was the cover. But, it was a con. Under Brennan’s direction, once Comey had shown it to the President of the United States, it was now official. The President had seen it, and it was now a legitimate subject of leaks and Media attention.
Immediately following his meeting with the President, Comey notified Clapper of that fact, and Clapper (Director of National Intelligence) was then unleashed to get it to key Media, who ran with the story now that it appeared to have credibility attached to it. The words, “Take the kill shot” are now starting to surface. Brennan, always in the shadows, I believe was running a covert op against the President, and staging a coup.
Well, of course, you know that led to the Russia Collusion accusations, the Mueller Investigation, and the findings of nothing. 30plus million taxpayer dollars were spent. But, the President was still standing.
So, now, members of the National Security Council, who were placed there by the previous administration, began to leak “stories” about Ukraine and election interference. You know where that led: to secret, one-sided, no-due process hearings in the basement of the Capitol, railroading of Democrats to sign onto the indictments, and eventually to the absolutely ludicrous Impeachment Trial.
Trump is still standing. But, Joe Biden is going down because of what was exposed in the “leaked” phone call. This always was an Intelligence op. Folks, the target was Biden. Trump was collateral damage–a secondary target.
The Democrats are facing primaries where the most popular candidates are all very much socialistic. And the DNC and Democrat elites are unhappy for sure. They will be searching for any way they can to knock off their top socialist candidates.
Hillary Clinton is still out there. Watch what she says and does in the coming weeks. And don’t get flimflammed.