Category Archives: Propaganda

While We Look to the Skies, a Cancer Metastasizes

Published / by Lee Kessler / 2 Comments on While We Look to the Skies, a Cancer Metastasizes

By Lee Kessler

Since last week, the Media and the American public have been mesmerized and absorbed by the aerial phenomena occurring over the homeland, meaning the sovereign territory of the United States.  It is non-stop coverage and will likely remain so for several weeks.  Important as it is, it is nonetheless a diversion to distract from some very important hearings going on in Washington, D.C.—especially those related to abuse of power, and possible collusion over the last three years between the FBI, Big Tech, and Social Media relevant to possible election interference, and manipulation of the public’s perception.  Not to mention hearings about the chaos and disintegration of our Southern border.

Even more insidious though is the fact that while we look wherever we are told to look, a “cancer” has metastasized in the United States—threatening the Heartland of our great nation.  By that, I mean those states that do not border the Atlantic or Pacific oceans.

A few weeks ago I wrote a commentary about California being the prototype for all social and cultural attacks upon our country and its values.  It was my contention that one should watch all things that are implemented in California, with the expectation that they will soon be spreading to other parts of the country—”coming to a theater near you.”  One of the examples was a “universal Income” experiment going on in a section of Los Angeles where the citizens are being compensated an extra $1000 or so a month because they are disadvantaged in some way.  Another is proposed reparations.  If you follow the news, you know by now that those “ideas” are spreading to other states like Massachusetts, New York etc.

But now, a “cancer” that we have all had our attention on for at least the last two years has metastasized and is growing and spreading into areas you never considered.  We have all watched the parents in Loudoun County, Va fight valiantly to regain control of the curriculum their children are being exposed to.   They have been maligned, called domestic terrorists, and vilified as they continue their battle to regain control of their children’s education.  It is a reflection of how dire the situation has become when a battle has begun about parental rights with children versus the government’s rights with children.   One belongs universally in the column of free nations, the other in the column of communist or totalitarian nations.

Well, brace yourselves.   My home is in Montana.  It is a magnificent state with a rich history.   It is referred to as “God’s Country” and “The Last Best Place.”   I moved here from California in 2002, fulfilling a lifelong dream.  What I am about to say is relevant to every citizen in Montana, and more importantly, to every citizen in this country—especially those states considered the Heartland, those states that do not border an ocean, and who most often reflect traditional and conservative values.

As an author of prescient political fiction, I am accustomed to people bringing to me stories and proof of what I have written about in my novels.   For more than 15 years enthusiastic followers have done what I call “confirming research”  by revealing that what I wrote about has now happened.   I have grown comfortable to a degree with my books playing out in the real world.   But nothing could have prepared me for what I just learned.  The following is anecdotal.

In a city near me, a city with only one school district that I am aware of, a scene I speculated upon in “White King and the Seat at the Table,” and which I thought really stretched credulity for the state of Montana, appears to have now occurred in the real world.

A school Principal/Superintendent was hired from California.  (That should be your first alarm bell.)  At first the individual appeared to be a good addition to the district.  By the second year however I am told they announced to the teachers that they were removing History from the curriculum, and replacing it with Humanities.  These are two distinct disciplines, and you can probably guess where this is headed.

Shortly after, portraits of Washington and Lincoln were arbitrarily removed from the Kindergarten classroom, to be destroyed.   Both portraits were salvaged by a teacher.  Next, all teachers were told they were not to say “boys” and “girls” but to refer to everyone as a genderless “friends” category because the administration felt children were too young to really know yet what sex they were, and should not be called a boy or a girl.  Books were introduced in the elementary school showing and discussing sex and sexuality.

Teachers who stood up and fought back against this perversion of education models and standards were ostracized, threatened, isolated, and eventually fired or forced to quit.  Their “union” folded in the face of the possibility of filing suit against the District by saying that since previous claims of misconduct had been denied, theirs would not be taken seriously either.

This “cancer” persisted however.  Even when the teachers who stood up were no longer employed by the school, they were purportedly blacklisted and prevented from getting new jobs in their chosen field, even blacklisted and vilified in new, lesser jobs in the community.  Secretly parents and business owners agreed with them,  and gave them the thumbs up.  But no one has had the courage to stand up  and fight this “cancer” in the education system.  Given what I write about, I know they fear for their own jobs or businesses.

This is one of the symptoms of Fascism—a populace that is too cowed to fight back.   A populace that has succumbed.  Free speech and the right to protest have died.  Anyone who may attempt to will be cancelled and censored.

The Principal in question has left—and no one knows where they have gone.   I personally would suspect they have returned to California, mission accomplished.   However, they have been replaced by someone they knew from California.  To my beloved fellow Montanans, said to you by one who chose to leave the state of California, and embrace the spirit of Montana, you are now in Stage Four.   In the world of medicine, when a cancer has left its original site, and metastasized, it is now known as Stage Four.   Generic treatment of the cancer is no longer as effective.  When the source of the cancer is detected, then precise treatments that are known to destroy it are developed.  Blanket cancer treatment often misses the target, or hits the wrong target.   But location of the real source opens the door for a targeted treatment regimen.

And I would say to everyone of my fellow countrymen, the “cancer” has spread to you too.   But, if you do not identify the actual source of it, you will not be able to defeat it.   You will engage in arduous protracted battles, and eventually succumb.  Knowing the source, you have some hope.  And that is why you must watch ALL cultural and social experiments that arise in California.   In the name of Democracy, they are the true threat to our democracy.  As one who spent years in Hollywood, I can assure you this crew knows Public Relations, and how to manipulate even the sanest in America.

If this shocked you that it could occur in MONTANA, then know that none of us are safe.  This malignancy has taken hold.  We are in the fight of our lives.   For, if the Heartland of the United States falls, the United States falls.   And, if the United States falls, freedom and self-governance around the world fall.

From the Blog,  “Incoming Tomatoes” at:

Don’t Take the Bait!

Published / by Lee Kessler / 3 Comments on Don’t Take the Bait!


Having revealed in my novels how “mind guys” implement their mind control, there is a tactic we all need to be aware of that has already been deployed to influence the Republican primaries and selection of the candidate for 2024.   Election interference has already begun, and it is being done under the category of Perception Management. 

That tactic used to be known as mind control or brainwashing. Then it was changed to propaganda as a whole “new-age” form of warfare was developed.   To sanitize it even further and make it palatable to the average person, propaganda was redefined as Public Relations.  A whole industry was born to do “opposition research” to support one’s candidate, and destroy the opponent by souring the voter–not on the opponent’s policies and viewpoints, but rather on a rejection of their perceived character flaws.   Initially begun with the idea that the research might expose some sordid things, but would actually be true, it has given way in recent years to a concoction of half-truths, falsehoods, and outright slander.   And that is where the propagandist operates—in the murkiness of lies that appear as truth.

Most recently, however, to legitimize it even more after the Steele Dossier and Russia Hoax debacle, those who would override your reason with emotion and passion have chosen a delicious new route called Perception Management.   If one can create and/or manipulate what you see and perceive, you change your thoughts, and thereby your decisions and actions.  Whether you change your vote, or lose your enthusiasm, or withhold contributions, or pass on harmful information in order to “inform” your followers, if one can alter your perception, they are engaged in the slickest form of mind control.

For example, last week, Trump was in New Hampshire as part of his campaign. I heard a news commentator remark that there didn’t seem to be the enthusiasm in the crowd that used to be there for him. And, further inserting his opinion into his evaluation, he added that perhaps it is time for someone new. This was a top-rated news agency, not CNN or MSNBC.

I realized then that one of the most dangerous Perception Management operations has already begun to stop Donald J Trump from receiving the nomination of his party for President.  It is obvious to me that his policies worked, and they worked because of his unique and creative leadership style, and his unshakable courage in the face of relentless attacks, 24/7. Perception Management will redefine that steadfastness as “reckless stubbornness” however. In my lifetime, I have never seen a President so attacked, so relentlessly, as he and his administration worked to better conditions in the United States and abroad.

Whether you love him or hate him, whether you voted for him or against him, when a President has an historic increase in people voting for him over his first run for the office, and when he and the American people—75 million of us—were told he had lost, it defied credibility.   Sadly, the Biden Campaign was a study in Perception Management, and its first huge victory was the defeat of Trump.   Now, one should ask oneself, who really wanted Trump gone?   Was it really the American people, or was it someone else?

I believe it is in fact someone else, and they skillfully aligned forces and industries like Big Media and Big Tech to ensure he did not make it.   You can read “White King and the Seat at the Table” to find out who they are and what they plan for you next.   Their problem, though, is Donald J. Trump.  He is running again for his second term.   And 75 million Americans believe their vote was somehow negated in 2020.   Whether it was cheating, incompetence, wholly inadequate state elections laws, media manipulation, edgy voting day disparities, or even legal loopholes, the outcome was the same—tens of millions of Americans now doubt the election process in the US.

The solution that the Perception Management people have cooked up is this.   They can’t outright tell 75 million Americans to stop believing in President Trump, or to stop believing in what they witnessed in 2020.  So, they are inside the party itself now promoting selecting someone who is “just like Trump, but not Trump.”  The very traits that made him so effective in negotiations, in policies, and in world leadership are the traits they want you to shy away from.  Statements like “well, I loved his policies, but I didn’t like his personality, or his tweets” are straight out of the opposition playbook in Perception Management.   The goal is to get you to change your perception of Trump, by lowering it just enough that you will choose “someone just like him, but not him.”   The problem is there is no one like him.   He is a one of a kind, and a total standout in the nearly 250 year history of our country.  If they can manage your perception of him, dampen your enthusiasm, or get you to embrace the delusion that if he just goes away and we pick someone else all things will calm down, they win.

I personally experienced the negative outcome of such thinking in my acting career in Hollywood.   As a young actress rising into starring roles (about the time I was blacklisted) the top producer of TV shows at the time was casting the lead in a 10-part miniseries to be followed by a series.  He had chosen me, but had not made an offer.   Then, “someone” gave him the idea that he should find someone just like Lee Kessler, but not Lee Kessler.   He searched all over the United States—literally–and the last night before he would have to start filming he found someone in Chicago “just like Lee Kessler, only not Lee Kessler.”  The project failed totally, because although she was a lovely, nice actress who looked like me, she was not me. 

And someone wants you to embrace the “just like Trump, but not Trump” mantra. My situation was trivial in the grand scheme of things.  But, the undermining of an American President is not.   The attack will be covert, and it will come from within the ranks of very credible people. Their voice and their argument will seem so reasonable. Having lived in Florida until this year, I admire and respect Gov. DeSantis.  But, he is not Donald Trump.  Neither is Nikki Haley.  Neither is Mike Pompeo.  All fine people.  But, mark my words, if  Republicans like anyone of these, or a long list of other hopefuls, and begin to salivate over the idea of offering one of them up to us as the candidate, they have already succumbed to the perception management tactics. 

Just make sure you, my fellow countrymen, do not take the bait.  He is today who he was in 2016 and throughout his presidency.  He represented and spoke for millions upon millions.  But if an enemy can get you  to favor calm and predictability more than you value world security and the security and prosperity of the American people, that enemy knows you will have fallen for their perception management whereby they persuaded you that he is somehow too noisy, too dangerous, and you must choose someone more traditionally palatable—someone safer.   In doing so, they override the obvious—it was all the calm, safe politicians who got us here in the first place, and were too cowardly to back their President when he stood up.

Controversial, embattled, noisy, sometimes full of grace, sometimes uncouth, he nonetheless got the job done in the world as it is today, not as it was in the past.  The next time you hear someone say, “well, we like his policies, but we just want someone else who won’t be soooo…we want somebody different,” just know they are repeating the propaganda line of the Perception Management arm of the global elites.   In the world of propaganda strategies, a lie told often enough becomes the truth.  Likewise,  the repetition of the message until all embrace it is an old marketing strategy still used today.   The more of you who repeat that message, the more you make it true.

Ask yourself, who benefits if someone with good intentions and talent, but nowhere near seasoned enough to stop the opposing party’s candidate—let alone our formidable global adversaries–is nominated?   You?  Or maybe the naïve people who just quietly and sweetly say, “I just don’t like his tweets,” hoping that if he goes away somehow miraculously all things will be hunky dory again ?  No.  Regrettably, just like the Hollywood story that turned out badly with the Producer’s choice, this will turn out badly. Only this one really matters to mankind’s future.  The TV show did not.  Don’t take the bait!

Lee Kessler’s blogs are at:

The Fifth Column and the Republican Party

Published / by Lee Kessler / 1 Comment on The Fifth Column and the Republican Party

In the early 2000’s I began the journey that led to the 4 part series of suspense novels, culminating in the final book, “White King and the Seat at the Table.”  Inspired by actual events that had peaked my curiosity, causing me to want to locate the source of the apparent collapse of America from within, I theorized there was an actual group—intent upon taking dominion globally.  I asked myself, “What if a group of people wanted to take control of the world and its inhabitants?  What would they do?   Who would they have to defeat or destroy in order to accomplish  their dominance? 

My conclusion was that the obstacle standing in their path—the great experiment that liberated men—was the United States.   And the American people were the underpinning of all that the United States represents.  In order to render the United States impotent, I theorized this enemy would have to undermine the people themselves.  And, more importantly, get the American people to do it to themselves.

The strategy is simple.   It is as old as any military strategy that exists.  Divide and Conquer.   Through the centuries generals and armies have used this strategy to defeat an otherwise formidable opponent.   Only this time, the Divide and Conquer strategy is being implemented through psychological warfare.   You may call it Information Warfare.  No matter the terms from the past, today propaganda and psychological warfare have evolved into Perception Management.  Information and disinformation are pitted against one another in order to manipulate your perceptions, and thereby your conclusions and actions. This simple marketing strategy in the hands of power-hungry, arrogant men and women has brought the United States to its knees.

I am sure none of us doubts that America is a nation that is divided—right straight down the middle.  The last two election cycles will have disabused even the most ardent deniers of the reality that Americans have two different universes they are living in now, and those universes are at war with each other.

The ongoing Twitter revelations have exposed this Perception Management in its most grotesque and dangerous light—harassment, censorship, collusion, and manipulation of data to manage the perceptions and actions of American citizens.

The very important question politically right now is: How was this division done? The answer: By inserting a Fifth Column not only into the United States, but most importantly into each of the foundational institutions we anchor on:  Family, Religion, Education, Justice, even Government.  There is a Fifth Column within each of those, and within subsets of each of those.  A Fifth Column is defined as: any group of people who undermine a larger group or nation from within, usually in favor of an enemy group or another nationl It is comprised of domestic actors who work to undermine the national interest, in cooperation with external rivals of the state.  And you, my friends, must come to understand this, or the Fifth Column will continue to erode government, morals, ethics, education, family values, individual identity, rule of law etc.  There is an external enemy.

You may ask, why am I laying this out now?  Can’t you just read my books to get an insight into how this might play out?  You could.  The novels are the allegorical story of this external rival and the internal Fifth Column over the last 20 years.  I encourage you to do that.  But, time is short, and there is one particular Fifth Column that I am sure exists.  And it is hamstringing our Legislative Branch.  That Fifth Column is not inside the Democrat Party.  They are almost like a Fifth Column of their own, hell-bent on sabotaging the Constitution, sowing division wherever they go. However, they are overt and predictable. A true Fifth Columnist will be covert, unpredictable, and most typically embraced as a friend.  That is why those involved are hard to ferret out.  And it will always be a surprise when you find out who they actually are.

The Fifth column I am referring to is one inside the Republican Party.  Of course, that is just my opinion.   But you should ask yourself why the Republican Party can not get unanimity on key issues.   Why do they have the unnerving capability of snatching defeat from the jaws of victory at almost every turn.  Witness the embarrassing inability to elect a Speaker of the House. Witness the disappointing performance overall in the 2022 elections.   Witness the acceptance of the monstrosity known as the Omnibus Bill.  Who could possibly be encouraging members of their group to vote for a 3000 page document that no one has likely read, to spend an additional $1.7T?  Who could possibly have failed to stall the vote until the new Congress would come in?  Why would they not delay?

Here’s my challenge to fellow conservatives:  Who is perhaps speaking self-righteously right now, as they encourage actions that would divide and weaken the party further?  In “Julius Ceasar” the soothsayer said, “Beware the Ides of March.”   Well, I’d like to say, “Beware the ‘Stand on Principle’ pitch.”   Standing on principle is important, but it is also a propaganda button used to manage your perceptions.  Who actually is being served if the Republican Party has been divided?  Who seduced and compromised enough members to embarrass and discredit the party itself? Moreover, who is the enemy group or nation that these trusted members are serving?

The answer, as repugnant as it may be to you, or shocking to you, lies in this overarching reality: human nature.  Why does a mayor run for governor?   Why does a governor run for President?  And what does a President, or top-echelon government official, run for?  What’s the next rung of the ladder they are climbing? It used to be that being President of the United States was the pinnacle of power, accomplishment, and leadership.  But, is that true today?  Or is there yet another echelon of power?

 We need to ask those who are being divisive, “ Who are you really serving—wittingly or unwittingly?”

Who and where are the external enemy groups, whose favor they curry?  Who intends to exert authority over all of us, and who views themselves as senior to, not just us, but also our elected officials, and our Constitution itself?  It is these people that some of our trusted leaders pay homage to.  It is their favor they curry.

Here’s a hint to locate not only those who have been conned into destructive acts, but, more importantly, to ferret out those trusted allies who actually conned them:  They leave a verbal breadcrumb trail.  Listen now.   Look for those whose verbiage includes such things as Global Peace, Global Security (Zelensky before our Congress) , Global Health, Global Justice, Global Climate Change Initiatives, Global Digital Currencies, Global Energy Policies.

The purveyors of globalism are the antagonists in my latest book.   Those characters are as real as it gets, however.  And unless we get very expert at ferreting out the Fifth Columnists in each of our institutions, our families, our churches, our schools, and our government will continue to erode until we no longer resemble our former selves—as a people and as a nation.  I recommend we stop asking ourselves the questions, “Why would our leaders fail to protect the country?”  Why would they do something so stupid?  Why are they doing or not doing…?”

The answer does not so much lie in why .   The answer lies in the question, “Who are they in fact serving?” for political fiction for political Blogs

My Prayer for Brittney Griner

Published / by Lee Kessler / 4 Comments on My Prayer for Brittney Griner

This is my prayer for you, Ms. Griner. As an American, I am happy you are home, and reunited with your family. I do not choose to discuss lifestyle or politics today. You are an American, and you have a right to be back in the United States of America. It is my understanding that Viktor Bout’s family is equally joyous at his return.

What I want you to understand though is that Americans will die as a result of this exchange. You are free to pursue now your American Dream–the NBA, where you play basketball. Mr. Bout is now free to pursue his dream, which is to kill Americans.

And make no mistake, Americans will die in the future as a result of your freedom. You will not know their names, nor will I, for some time. But, make no mistake, your experience in Russia must have established for you a new reality on the difference between true freedom–however flawed you view it–and true suppression. Mr. Bout will ensure, directly or indirectly, that Americans die.

So, please, honor them now in advance. Men and women–and possibly children–will pay the price for your freedom. Their families will never be “reunited” because their loved one will have perished. The government of the United States has decided to spare you, in exchange for the future death of American citizens. It is my prayer that you be grateful for the sacrifice the countrymen you have disparaged will make in the near future for you. And that you will show the same grace and compassion for them and their beliefs as they, as Americans, have shown to you today.

It is my further prayer for you that you become an activist now to bring home every American who has been seized–regardless of their politics, their gender, their color, or any other thing you value. They are Americans, and they deserve not to be left behind. Your credentials, and those of Steph Curry as well, should help them and their families.

And it is my final prayer for you–coming from someone as different from you as you can imagine–that you cease disrespecting this country and your fellow countrymen who will have made an ultimate sacrifice so you can pursue the American Dream. I honor what you have done. Now let’s see what you learned from this, and who you become, and what you do in the future.

Welcome home, Ms. Griner. You are welcome here!

From, “someone who could be the next intended victim of Viktor Bout.”

And it is my prayer for my fellow Americans that you spread this Blog “far and wide, even into the seats of power.”

The Trophy Generation Grew Up

Published / by Lee Kessler / Leave a Comment

Over a decade ago I remember having a conversation with a friend who was befuddled by the idea of everyone getting a trophy, just for showing up–not for excelling. My friend was lamenting the horrible lack of values and success principles that represented, and he asked, “what’s it going to be like when this ‘trophy generation’ grows up?” Looking back I am sure he was considering what it would be like for the Millennials when they came of age and had neither the emotional maturity, the drive, the pursuit of excellence mindset, or even skill sets to encounter life. In his mind, I am sure he felt life would give them a beating.

Instead, the Trophy Generation is giving us a beating. They have grown up–in years at least–and the entire generation is now voting. That generation is defined as those born between 1981 and 1996. They are now between 25 and 41. They are your doctors, your teachers, members of city councils, your ministers, middle to senior management in corporations, founders of technology companies, your district attorneys, your mayors, and members of the House of Representatives and the Senate. They have done what every young person of every generation has done. They have started into life, and are making their way into positions of senior authority.

The difference is we now know the consequences of a generation where significant numbers are still living at home even into their 30s, where they have been educated into the anti-American woke culture, are driven by their emotions rather than logic, where they can repeat rote slogans, but lack the intellectual curiosity or integrity to even scratch the surface of analysis to think for themselves. We know they run in packs, supporting each other’s viewpoints and neuroses.

And they are in charge now–including in the political arena! Following what I considered to be a lamentable, yet predictable, outcome of the 2022 elections in many arenas, there is a lot of head scratching going on as to how we could have two elections in a row where the margin of victory for either candidate was razor thin, and how our country, whose electoral system was the envy of the world, has descended into distrust and uncertainty.

I believe the answer lies here. The Baby Boomers were once the largest generation in the US, and controlled almost all of business, education, and government. However the US Census Bureau reported that the Millennials have now become the largest generation, as of 2019. And that the Millennial Generation, and younger, now comprise more than half of the US population–166 million.

In my opinion, that means that politics as we knew it is over. This group is now voting. And they are voting based upon their world view and life view–basically influenced by what they experienced in their education, good or bad. And if they grew up expecting to be rewarded for just being there, and not contributing to excellence, they will be takers more than givers, and they outnumber the US voter who was raised with a fierce work ethic and sense of personal responsibility.

Where I think we missed this lies with us spending time wondering how the “JFK Democrats” and moderate neighbors we grew up with and competed with–who are patriots too–suddenly became radicalized and joined the “Woke.” I hear pundits asking how these regular Democrats could possibly have sold out to the extreme wing of that party. They didn’t. They are now outnumbered, voter-wise. Many may have secretly voted Republican, hoping to bring things back to the normal political game they were accustomed to. Their constituency is something they never saw coming.

But an energized, organized, and mobilized new generation of voters are registering and voting. They are of all backgrounds, races, ethnicity. They have a couple of things in common though. They were educated in the US education system over the last decades, and they bullied their parents into letting them coast because they are so “special.”

Having coached this generation in business for more than 20 years, that is why I wrote the political fiction series known as the “White King Series.” It was written for Millennials. The heroes Andy Weir and Brian Washington Carver represent the best that generation has to offer. They represent courage, commitment, intelligence, imagination, character, and a relentless pursuit of freedom. And they defeat our real-life, real-threat global enemies, and stop The Great Reset that is occurring right now.

If you want to start to influence the minds of this huge generation, I suggest you let them travel with the story and emotion of the “White King.” Let them experience the current events of the last two decades through the eyes and minds of peer patriots who bring about change with grace. Let them be entertained and, in the process, start to use their own creative imagination to solve the real-world threats, not just regurgitate the propaganda they have been force fed. For the story of the White King is the story of America’s decline in the 21st Century. It is also the story of how to reverse it–not by fighting this largest generation, but by tapping into the strengths of the individuals who comprise that generation. Let them “earn” the trophy that the final victory in “White King and the Seat at the Table” offers.

Our enemies are betting that the Millennials’ weaknesses will prevail, and America will be removed from the world stage. I, however, am not! for information on the series for the political Blog.