No matter where you turn these days you find people–including government officials, and all media– piling on the Covid bandwagon, using the mantra of, “the goal is to keep everybody safe.”
Better stop here for a moment. Examine this. Don’t swallow the marketing button–otherwise known as propaganda–without at least a common sense look.
Is it the responsibility of government to keep everybody safe? Is that our goal as individuals? To be safe our whole lives?
Are you making choices in all areas of life based upon what’s safe? Or are you stretching, risking, winning and losing? This country was conceived and created by people who did not play it safe. We built a great nation, not by staying safe, but by pioneering, dreaming, trying, failing, and trying again. There is nothing “safe” in the American character. We are a bold people.
Now before you get your underwear in a twist, I know what you are thinking. We are talking about physical safety and health when we look at this virus, or overall ill-health, etc. etc.
I’d like to suggest to you though that the goal is not to stay safe–especially if it means hiding from the virus. The goal is to defeat this virus. And that means head-on!
Like it or not, we all die at some point. Did we live our lives staying “safe?” Or did we take chances, challenge ourselves, put ourselves at risk?
If the goal is to be safe, what are you going to say when that day comes in the future that you are on your deathbed? “Well, here I am dying. But, by golly, I got to death safely!!”
What do you say we all stop trying to hide from this virus, and all work together to kill it, without killing our neighbors’ livelihoods and well-being? We can do both. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.
Perhaps we should look into how we become “safe” from the politicians?