Category Archives: Abuse of Power

Censorship–A Rose by Any Other Name

Published / by Lee Kessler / 1 Comment on Censorship–A Rose by Any Other Name

Webster’s defines the verb censor as: to examine in order to suppress or delete anything thought to be harmful or dangerous.

Censor the noun is : an official who examines publications or communications for objectionable matter.

And Censorship is: the institution, system, or practice of censoring or of censors.

Well, there certainly is a lot of gray area in those definitions, isn’t there? You can call it by any name you want to, but a rose by any other name is still a rose. The real question is: Who decides? Who is anointed with the duty or power to suppress or delete? To decide what is objectionable? To create systems or institutions for the purpose of censoring?

I am no historian, but I do know that Ministers of Propaganda and Information have caused a lot of havoc, and destruction, over the centuries. Censorship is within their purview, and Censorship usually leads to persecution. It is a road to hell.

Hence, in our Bill of Rights, we are guaranteed Freedom of Speech. You can say and write what you like–even if people despise it, even if people counter it, even if people think you are crazy. No matter how abhorrent some people find your thoughts, mindset, and words to be, you have the right to express them. PERIOD!

You are not allowed to cry “fire” in a crowded theater, but that was not adjudicated by a “censor.” It was adjudicated in a court of law. See how this whole Rule of Law things ties together?

When I asked that question, I was asking it of whoever Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and various other mainstream news agencies have assigned to silence any thought they deem objectionable.

I for one will pit my intellect, and fair-mindedness, and Constitutional adherence against any 35 year old “woke” genius at these companies. You can think what you like, and you can say what you like. But, don’t censor me! And don’t censor those whose opinions you disagree with, or whose influence you want to diminish!

To watch wholesale censorship of the President of the United States is stunning. It is repulsive, and it is dangerous! That is not a mere embarrassment–as some would have you think. It is a disgrace. And I would hold that opinion even if the “shoe was on the other foot” and the candidate was not “my candidate.” Equal protection under the law applies here.

So, when you hear that Twitter accounts are blocked, when posts are censored, when they are hidden, when editors of newspapers are fired for allowing an opinion piece to be published, you know you are dealing with people who would do very well in any regime that seeks to control you, to suppress you, and erase you.

Speak up, while you still have the chance!

Call your state representative today would be my recommendation. No matter what state you live in. Tell them you will not support him or her unless they stand with the President, and the right of the candidate to go down legal and constitutional avenues. It is constitutional in a contested election for one person to pursue legal redress, recounts, etc. And, in this election, I am one of 72.3 Million Americans (that’s a LOT of people) who does not have confidence that the vote I cast was properly recorded–or if it were, that it was not cancelled out by planned late voting.

We must slow down, and get this right, for future elections, and generations.

Something Nancy Said…

Published / by Lee Kessler / 3 Comments on Something Nancy Said…

Something Nancy Pelosi said about two weeks before the election caught my attention. I had an uneasy feeling then, and am dead certain now. In one of her many appearances in front of the news media, adjusting her color-coordinated mask, she seemed to be preparing all Democrat supporters for something they would experience on election night. She said words to this effect. (This is not an exact quote, but it is very close to it.)

Do not worry or be concerned on election night. Donald Trump may appear to be winning, maybe winning by a landslide on election night. But don’t worry. No matter what it looks like, by the time ALL the ballots are counted we will have won, and will have put Joe Biden in the White House.

A Press that has no intellectual curiosity whatsoever, and no critical thinking ability either, did not notice an obvious outpoint. It is the outpoint that stuck with me. Her assertion that even if Trump won by a landslide on election night, he would lose in the ensuing days was outrageous. If an election is close, and one candidate appears to have won at midnight, it is possible of course for the opponent to gain ground to wipe out a narrow gap.

But, one needs to ask, “How the hell do you wipe out a “landslide?” How do you reverse multiple states simultaneously, erasing huge margins of victory?

So, it begs the question, what did Nancy know? Why was she reassuring her hyper-emotional constituency that everything would be ok in the end–no matter how distressing the evening of Nov. 3 might appear?

There are now more than 11000 sworn affidavits by people who are alleging–under penalty of perjury–fraud or irregularities, spread throughout multiple states. That makes the “battlefield” extremely expansive and diverse, involving different states and their laws. Daunting task. The probable strategy: death by a thousand cuts.

We do not know how this will play out in the coming weeks, but one thing is certain: This is a contested election. Do you understand that Mitt Romney? Do you understand that Chris Wallace? Do you understand that CNN? Do you understand that everyone? Whether you wanted it to be over with on Nov. 3 and the result all wrapped up in a tidy package, tied with a bow, is now a moot point. It is what it is.

Like it or not–there are procedures and rules that govern elections and which cover what happens when results are contested and a candidate will not concede. The candidates represent the people who voted for them, and they have every right to try to ensure that the outcome matched the true will of the people.

We are a nation of laws. We operate anchored on our Constitution, and each state has their constitution. They also have election laws that the Legislative Branch of the state government has created over time. We operate by the Rule of Law–not the Rule of Dictate by the Fourth Estate, or marauding riotous mobs. We have Due Process.

This will play out in courts across America over the next few weeks. There is nothing Hitlerian, or Stalinist about it. To exercise one’s rights under the Constitution is not an act of Sedition. So, whether Nancy wants to say this or not, I am suggesting to her Democrat constituents, and to other Republican elites, that “no matter what it looked like the day or two after the election, in the end, you may have cause to be upset.”

As for me, I am a citizen, like you, who has voted proudly in every election since I turned 21. A few days before election day I drove 8 hours all told to get my 91-year-old brother out of an Assisted Living facility–even though it meant he would be quarantined for two weeks–because he had never missed a vote either. He is a Korean War veteran and really wanted to vote.

And, if even one vote was illegally cast and counted, then that vote–cast by a cheater–has cancelled my vote or perhaps cancelled my brother’s vote. I am a fair-minded person. If I lose in a fair fight, I will take my licks and come back another day. Donald Trump is no different than me. He has rights, and one of them is his right to fight on.

We allowed Al Gore to pursue the legal path when he felt he had been wrongfully robbed of the victory. We will go down this legal path now too. Enjoy the walk on the path of the Rule of Law, even if for some of you it feels like a walk into scary, unknown territory. Lawlessness though is truly hard on you. You will find a peace in following the law.

The Man in the Snow with the Wind in His Face

Published / by Lee Kessler / 2 Comments on The Man in the Snow with the Wind in His Face

It seems like a century ago, though it was only about 10 days. He stood in the snow, with bitter cold winds blowing in his face. Exuberantly he talked to the 20 or 30,000 Americans who stood with him in the snow and cold, to talk about our future.

That is a metaphor for President Trump. He has stood up to withering attacks and “cold North winds” for 4 years. And the people–by the tens of thousands–have stood with him. He has fought hard for all the American people in every arena of our lives. And we must stand with him, and fight beside him now for those very things.

Though the Media withheld all of these accomplishments from half our population, and censored anyone near the end of the campaign who posted on social media about what has been done for the people, those accomplishments are real. They are not a PR campaign. They are affecting real people, in positive ways.

Lest you be tempted to wimp out and retreat, accepting defeat just because Fox News told you that you lost, I want you to pause a minute and think about what we lose if we lose President Trump. If we lose in a fair fight with all legal votes counted, and all illegal votes thrown out, then fine. But, we have a ways to go before conceding. Fair fight or not though, we still lose the following:

For my black American friends and colleagues, here is what you lose if Donald Trump goes away. The Democrats have no programs or plans for you except what they have done for the last 70 years. They have nothing to replace these: You lose the Opportunity Zones that are bringing jobs and investment into the Inner Cities and poor rural areas to enable young men and women to work, and develop businesses, and prosper financially in the future. You lose School Choice for all of your children, relegating their education to the bottom of the heap. Trump has protected the income for HBCUs for 10 years, ashamed that previous Presidents forced them to come begging annually for funding. Knowing he will be gone by then, he gave those fine institutions as much security as he could. You may lose any Criminal Justice and Prison Sentence Reform unless it was done by the Congress.

Most important of all going forward, you will lose the Platinum Plan that he and Senator Tim Scott have created. Carrying an immense economic investment clout, it is a stunning move to enable black Americans to develop and expand businesses, employment, and prosperity. It is designed to close the wealth gap, by raising the wealth of black Americans, not by lowering the wealth of others.

You also will likely lose the lowest unemployment rate in history for Blacks and Hispanics. And lose the dramatic rise in wages that has occurred at the same time.

Now, what else do we as Americans lose? We lose Peace in the Middle East. You may not be aware that President Trump has been nominated for FIVE separate Nobel peace prizes!!!!! The Media did not even tell you about one. Just addressing the Abraham Accord, it is the most creative and innovative approach to the problems of the Mid-East ever conceived. The proof of that is that, if any other Administration had thought of it, they would have tried it. For 70 years no one did. Donald Trump did. And, it worked. However, if he goes away, and the Biden approach to Iran and the Mid-East returns, that peace agreement can not sustain.

You lose the jobs, factories, and manufacturing that Trump so painstakingly put together over four years. He brought American businesses home to America. A new Administration will take them global again.

You lose Energy Independence which we arrived at for the first time in my lifetime. That, by the way, was a key first building block that enabled us to forge a new approach to Peace in the Middle East. We could never have peace, because we needed their oil, and we were always drawn into conflicts that were all about oil. With energy independence, the United States can honestly broker a deal with Arab nations that they will trust.

You lose any hope of closing that border to drug dealers, human traffickers, murderous gangs, terrorists etc . The immigration issue needs to be solved, but not by fostering lawlessness.

You will lose effective vaccines–at least for now–for the China Virus. You will get in exchange Mask Mandates and Lockdowns.

You lose any hope of China being held accountable for the Virus, its global effects and devastation–let alone any hope of containing China’s voracious military and economic appetite.

You lose the Durham report, and any hope of indictments in the coup attempt. You lose the truth about the Ukraine hoax that led to the impeachment.

But, you will get to keep Antifa, Black Lives Matter, and rampant looting, arson, rioting, and destruction any time you disobey the demands of “the mob.” You will keep the Swamp too!

This is merely a partial list of what was accomplished and what I believe will perish if we lose this Presidential election. So, stand fast my friends. Do not weary in well-doing. Do not flinch or fade, appease or cower in the face of daunting odds and clamors to concede. Do not shut up just because CBS wants you to.

Thousands upon thousands of Americans like myself and you stood in the cold and snow, or heat and humidity to hear a man who cast a vision of a better America–for all its citizens, not just the privileged elite.

So, when you make your choice this week, I recommend you follow the war cry of the Gladiator in that wonderful movie as he and his men faced fierce, unfair, and overwhelming odds. “Hold the line!” Don’t cower, crying out, “Please, just make it go away!”

Donald J. Trump did not do this for himself. He did it for you. Now, take a deep breath and find out what you can do to help.

The next Blog will be “Something Nancy Said…” and the one after that will be “A Backup Plan.”

“Wag the Dog 2”–new cast, same deception

Published / by Lee Kessler / 1 Comment on “Wag the Dog 2”–new cast, same deception

The film “Wag the Dog” was released in 1997. The plot involves a President trying to get reelected who gets caught in a scandal. His spin doctor hires a Hollywood producer to create a war, one so convincing that the media and public will be distracted by the war, and not notice the scandal. The war was fake, but, through the filmmaker’s genius, appeared real. Real enough to fool the country.

It was a brilliant and funny satiric revelation of just how manipulative politics, media, and Hollywood can get. Through skillful writing, filming, and editing, one can make anything appear real–even a completely false story. You could fool the media into taking the bait. But, what if the media was part of the deception–willfully part of the deception?

You should note that when I was researching Bin Laden and Ayman Al-Zawahiri for the insights that eventually led to “White King and the Doctor,” I discovered that it was reported Bin Laden’s favorite movie was “Wag the Dog.” That is in fact what gave me the idea to have Bin Laden in a film studio filming various scenarios that might happen in the future, and to have him launch his propaganda chief into an attack that would undermine the American free press, causing the American people to bring themselves down from within. All of it, based on creating something out of nothing, and then making the “something” appear so real that it was accepted as the truth.

There is a “Wag the Dog 2” being created right now. Many of you may see some things on the news but have not trained your eye to spot what is missing. You may be watching Trump or Biden rallies on TV–or the parts the media allows you to see–and you have missed something.

I currently live in a state where rallies have taken place locally, and the local news reporters and their cameramen sometimes capture things CNN would never allow out for example. If you have been anywhere in the vicinity of a Trump rally, whether local or national news covers it or not, you know the rally is there and it is large. I have also personally witnessed car and truck parades miles long spontaneously happening in my state of Florida. Boat parades and rallies are popping up all around the peninsula I live on.

The reverse is true of Biden rallies. I first noticed it when Biden came to Tampa to handle something with a voting block, and a rally was announced. I do not know what you saw on cable news networks, but what I saw was that those who showed up were Trump supporters.

That caught my attention. After that I began to watch every time Biden came out to a “rally.” Occasionally the cameraman would slip up and show the audience area, and it was obvious that there was either no one there but the Press, or a dozen or so people. The camera would then cut away immediately to avoid the embarrassment or truth of the event. During his train campaigning, when he stopped at various towns, the camera accidentally showed no audience.

Then I checked Kamala Harris, and at her rally a week or so ago, even though she came out to the stage in the park or field (the usual setting for Biden or Harris) waving to fans and, in a very unconvincing performance, peering out over what seemed like a large and sprawling crowd extending into the distance, once again the camera caught the attendees. There were about 25 people in the audience. My response? I simply said to myself, “Oh, no…”

Even more telling is the Obama rally in Miami area last week. It was, like most Biden rallies now, a drive-in rally. I assumed there would be a lot of people at this rally, given that it was the former President in a historically Democrat area. This time, even the cable network got caught up. They turned the camera at an angle, revealing the car audience from the point of view of President Obama. In my estimation, there were perhaps 100 cars–meaning 200 attendees.

Another rally this week interviewed Biden supporters after it. They explained they had heard about a rally, and came to see him, but were turned back at the venue. They were told it was a “private event” and they could not come in. They waited outside the publicly announced venue, and eventually a small caravan of cars came out honking.

Folks, this is a classic Wag the Dog. The Biden campaign has skillful cameramen, editors, and PR people, and the result is that you have been led to believe there actually is a vibrant, massively-supported candidate. The news then hammers the idea home with the polls every night.

In reality, there is almost no one coming out. It is a faux campaign. I am now convinced that all the polls are wrong–and possibly even deceptively created to put us in fear and uncertainty, and to make us convinced that a candidate who is not attracting a crowd as large as your office staff is clobbering his opponent. The visuals are being distorted to make you believe the vast majority of Americans are clamoring for Joe Biden, and would love to see him.

Someone may successfully create a work of fiction that actually puts the man in the White House, but it will have been through manipulation of the American people’s perceptions. A coordinated effort is being fed to you in what I will characterize as a Voter Suppression effort, and a Voter Intimidation effort.

The solution: turn off the TV and radio for the next 3 days. Watch no cable news–not even Fox–and do not look at any polls. No matter what juicy stories, scary forecasts or speculations come out today, tomorrow, and Monday, just do your job! Our job is to take the responsibility that comes with our citizenship: to VOTE on Tuesday, or before, in person.

This is your country, your government. You are the boss. And, if my experience at the polls in Florida this past week helping my 91 year old brother get to the polls for a vote in person in a wheelchair is any indicator, you will have fun. They are well-organized and trained here. Voter fraud at the polls would be very hard, and there will not be intimidation in the parking lots.

You have already been intimidated enough by the nightly cable news, and by fake, scripted, phonied-up rallies.

Shut out all noise now. It is “blinders on” time. Head down. Do not allow “Wag the Dog 2” to become a national bestseller. Films die when poorly attended. Don’t let cable news continue to sell you this “movie.”

For All JFK and Blue Collar Democrats

Published / by Lee Kessler / 1 Comment on For All JFK and Blue Collar Democrats

This is a special message for all my Democrat friends who remember President Kennedy and his famous remark. “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”

It is a special message for all loyal Democrats who work hard, pay taxes, educate their children, who seek security both financially and physically for themselves and their families.

I believe–despite all the noise and myriad points of disagreement and argument–this election comes down to one thing right now. Let’s distil it to one final thing to look at, and one final issue that trumps the others. For now, at least. If we lose on this one, we will not be able to debate or resolve the others.

This election–for reasons you may never know–your party has left you. By now you know that a radical, militant, and demonstrably violent group has taken control of a proud political party. Someone is financing them, and it is likely not you.

For me, now, with just days to go, all the other issues pale. One issue should be the deciding reason to vote Republican straight across this one time. That issue is again playing out on your television screens nightly. It is: rioting, looting, arson, assault, and community destruction. No matter the purported justification, you know there is no justification in a lawful society for wantonly destroying your neighbor’s property, burning down his business, destroying the livelihoods of people who are hardworking Americans like yourself. They now will have no job, possibly no ability to rebuild.

For months we have been subjected to menacing mobs wreaking havoc and destruction everywhere they turn up. Lives have been lost. Whole neighborhoods have been destroyed. And your fellow countrymen are living in fear, forced to capitulate or risk being destroyed themselves. It is a type of mob extortion. The message is clear: Do as we say, or we will take you down.

I realize that there are many policy issues we can debate, and disagree on. But I hope to God that you do not stand with your party this time. The politicians who support this mayhem–even if the support is just their silence–must not be allowed to have a victory. There is a truth in life that what works and produces the desired result will continue. It becomes the successful action. So, if rioting, burning, assault, robbery, looting work–and force a change in Washington and bring in Congressmen and women who will not insist on law and order or rule of law–then you will be subjected to this during the next election season. And the next! It is not a party thing. It is a power thing.

The men and women who schemed up this political tactic will now know that they can bully Americans into submission, and they will continue to do it. And, if history is any teacher, it will escalate.

You may say, Lee, the Democrat politicians don’t want this. They are not involved in this anarchy. If that is the case, then why did not ONE SINGLE DEMOCRAT MAYOR, GOVERNOR, OR POLITICAL CANDIDATE condemn this anarchy and destruction months ago when it began? It was weeks before Biden even came out with an anemic statement about not liking rioting, only peaceful protesting. Weeks!

Some, to this day, have still not condemned or denounced the deplorable actions of thugs. Even if they give lip service to it, their actions speak louder than words. They have allowed it to continue in their cities, and that jeopardizes all citizens of the city. It risks the security of every citizen–and that is you, my friends.

You have been viewed as collateral damage in the rush to tear down the system. You have been betrayed.

And that is why I suggest that you do not vote based upon past habits. Don’t give power to these people simply because your grandpa, dad, and you have always voted Democrat before. These candidates do not reflect the words, much less the spirit of President John Kennedy. They do not reflect the spirit of the decent, hardworking, honest blue collar and middle class Democrat friends I have known my whole life.

Let them all lose this time. Then you can retake control of your own party. Remind them who they work for. And the only way to do that is to force them to lose massively 5 days from now. A group of people who despise you too believe that if this works, they can control all of us. Join with Republicans and other like-minded JFK Democrats to give this mob an electoral beatdown.

They resort to violence, and have for months–in the name of “social justice.” You, I, and others can demonstrate the rule of law, revere our Constitution, and make our statement with our ballots.

After that, take back your party. It has been kidnapped by a Marxist philosophy that will be unhealthy for all of us.