Something Nancy Said…

Something Nancy Pelosi said about two weeks before the election caught my attention. I had an uneasy feeling then, and am dead certain now. In one of her many appearances in front of the news media, adjusting her color-coordinated mask, she seemed to be preparing all Democrat supporters for something they would experience on election night. She said words to this effect. (This is not an exact quote, but it is very close to it.)

Do not worry or be concerned on election night. Donald Trump may appear to be winning, maybe winning by a landslide on election night. But don’t worry. No matter what it looks like, by the time ALL the ballots are counted we will have won, and will have put Joe Biden in the White House.

A Press that has no intellectual curiosity whatsoever, and no critical thinking ability either, did not notice an obvious outpoint. It is the outpoint that stuck with me. Her assertion that even if Trump won by a landslide on election night, he would lose in the ensuing days was outrageous. If an election is close, and one candidate appears to have won at midnight, it is possible of course for the opponent to gain ground to wipe out a narrow gap.

But, one needs to ask, “How the hell do you wipe out a “landslide?” How do you reverse multiple states simultaneously, erasing huge margins of victory?

So, it begs the question, what did Nancy know? Why was she reassuring her hyper-emotional constituency that everything would be ok in the end–no matter how distressing the evening of Nov. 3 might appear?

There are now more than 11000 sworn affidavits by people who are alleging–under penalty of perjury–fraud or irregularities, spread throughout multiple states. That makes the “battlefield” extremely expansive and diverse, involving different states and their laws. Daunting task. The probable strategy: death by a thousand cuts.

We do not know how this will play out in the coming weeks, but one thing is certain: This is a contested election. Do you understand that Mitt Romney? Do you understand that Chris Wallace? Do you understand that CNN? Do you understand that everyone? Whether you wanted it to be over with on Nov. 3 and the result all wrapped up in a tidy package, tied with a bow, is now a moot point. It is what it is.

Like it or not–there are procedures and rules that govern elections and which cover what happens when results are contested and a candidate will not concede. The candidates represent the people who voted for them, and they have every right to try to ensure that the outcome matched the true will of the people.

We are a nation of laws. We operate anchored on our Constitution, and each state has their constitution. They also have election laws that the Legislative Branch of the state government has created over time. We operate by the Rule of Law–not the Rule of Dictate by the Fourth Estate, or marauding riotous mobs. We have Due Process.

This will play out in courts across America over the next few weeks. There is nothing Hitlerian, or Stalinist about it. To exercise one’s rights under the Constitution is not an act of Sedition. So, whether Nancy wants to say this or not, I am suggesting to her Democrat constituents, and to other Republican elites, that “no matter what it looked like the day or two after the election, in the end, you may have cause to be upset.”

As for me, I am a citizen, like you, who has voted proudly in every election since I turned 21. A few days before election day I drove 8 hours all told to get my 91-year-old brother out of an Assisted Living facility–even though it meant he would be quarantined for two weeks–because he had never missed a vote either. He is a Korean War veteran and really wanted to vote.

And, if even one vote was illegally cast and counted, then that vote–cast by a cheater–has cancelled my vote or perhaps cancelled my brother’s vote. I am a fair-minded person. If I lose in a fair fight, I will take my licks and come back another day. Donald Trump is no different than me. He has rights, and one of them is his right to fight on.

We allowed Al Gore to pursue the legal path when he felt he had been wrongfully robbed of the victory. We will go down this legal path now too. Enjoy the walk on the path of the Rule of Law, even if for some of you it feels like a walk into scary, unknown territory. Lawlessness though is truly hard on you. You will find a peace in following the law.

3 thoughts on “Something Nancy Said…

  1. Tanii Carr

    Awesome, Lee, not only in your perspective, but in how you communicate truth in a way that perhaps even Dems can understand without too much embarrassment. Most people are good people. We know that. It’s easy to buy into something so convincingly conveyed. As you’ve said before, “We’re all being played!”


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