For All JFK and Blue Collar Democrats

This is a special message for all my Democrat friends who remember President Kennedy and his famous remark. “Ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.”

It is a special message for all loyal Democrats who work hard, pay taxes, educate their children, who seek security both financially and physically for themselves and their families.

I believe–despite all the noise and myriad points of disagreement and argument–this election comes down to one thing right now. Let’s distil it to one final thing to look at, and one final issue that trumps the others. For now, at least. If we lose on this one, we will not be able to debate or resolve the others.

This election–for reasons you may never know–your party has left you. By now you know that a radical, militant, and demonstrably violent group has taken control of a proud political party. Someone is financing them, and it is likely not you.

For me, now, with just days to go, all the other issues pale. One issue should be the deciding reason to vote Republican straight across this one time. That issue is again playing out on your television screens nightly. It is: rioting, looting, arson, assault, and community destruction. No matter the purported justification, you know there is no justification in a lawful society for wantonly destroying your neighbor’s property, burning down his business, destroying the livelihoods of people who are hardworking Americans like yourself. They now will have no job, possibly no ability to rebuild.

For months we have been subjected to menacing mobs wreaking havoc and destruction everywhere they turn up. Lives have been lost. Whole neighborhoods have been destroyed. And your fellow countrymen are living in fear, forced to capitulate or risk being destroyed themselves. It is a type of mob extortion. The message is clear: Do as we say, or we will take you down.

I realize that there are many policy issues we can debate, and disagree on. But I hope to God that you do not stand with your party this time. The politicians who support this mayhem–even if the support is just their silence–must not be allowed to have a victory. There is a truth in life that what works and produces the desired result will continue. It becomes the successful action. So, if rioting, burning, assault, robbery, looting work–and force a change in Washington and bring in Congressmen and women who will not insist on law and order or rule of law–then you will be subjected to this during the next election season. And the next! It is not a party thing. It is a power thing.

The men and women who schemed up this political tactic will now know that they can bully Americans into submission, and they will continue to do it. And, if history is any teacher, it will escalate.

You may say, Lee, the Democrat politicians don’t want this. They are not involved in this anarchy. If that is the case, then why did not ONE SINGLE DEMOCRAT MAYOR, GOVERNOR, OR POLITICAL CANDIDATE condemn this anarchy and destruction months ago when it began? It was weeks before Biden even came out with an anemic statement about not liking rioting, only peaceful protesting. Weeks!

Some, to this day, have still not condemned or denounced the deplorable actions of thugs. Even if they give lip service to it, their actions speak louder than words. They have allowed it to continue in their cities, and that jeopardizes all citizens of the city. It risks the security of every citizen–and that is you, my friends.

You have been viewed as collateral damage in the rush to tear down the system. You have been betrayed.

And that is why I suggest that you do not vote based upon past habits. Don’t give power to these people simply because your grandpa, dad, and you have always voted Democrat before. These candidates do not reflect the words, much less the spirit of President John Kennedy. They do not reflect the spirit of the decent, hardworking, honest blue collar and middle class Democrat friends I have known my whole life.

Let them all lose this time. Then you can retake control of your own party. Remind them who they work for. And the only way to do that is to force them to lose massively 5 days from now. A group of people who despise you too believe that if this works, they can control all of us. Join with Republicans and other like-minded JFK Democrats to give this mob an electoral beatdown.

They resort to violence, and have for months–in the name of “social justice.” You, I, and others can demonstrate the rule of law, revere our Constitution, and make our statement with our ballots.

After that, take back your party. It has been kidnapped by a Marxist philosophy that will be unhealthy for all of us.

One thought on “For All JFK and Blue Collar Democrats

  1. Tanii Carr

    Aside from the overall merits and rationales of this post, the one overriding and important message for me is that if the people who support violence win, it will further their confidence that violence is the defacto tactic guaranteed to win from now on. Not any different from giving in to an unruly child to quiet him or her down instead of confronting the effort and time needed to really handle the situation for the long-term. Giving in is a quick fix that doesn’t fix anything, just postpones confronting that which will have to be confronted later on when the situation is likely to have escalated to something worse. Giving in to expediency just strengthens the resolve of the child to continue doing the behavior that won! And that, to me, is the most vital message here!


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