Category Archives: Subversion

Common Sense and the “False Flag”

Published / by Lee Kessler / 6 Comments on Common Sense and the “False Flag”

It has been said that the least common thing in America is “common sense.” I doubt that. I am trusting that you have some.

I was at the rally in Washington, DC and have my own personal reality of what did and did not happen there. Today, however, I want to address this event from the point of view I often do–Propaganda Warfare.

My estimate is there were several hundred thousand people at that rally–most were supporters of the President and we are renowned for being a peaceful, exuberant crowd. Most have followed the various legal challenges the President made in contesting the election.

Though we knew the proceedings that day were our last chance at getting a positive result for our candidate, we came nonetheless. Pouring in from all over the country–even as far away as Alaska–people came to be together, to hear the President, and to make the men and women of Congress aware that there really are a lot of us who feel strongly.

In my case, I especially wanted the proceedings to happen because I knew they would be covered by every Mainstream Media outlet live, and that there would be a huge audience watching. And, since I had followed “live” various presentations of fraud evidence to State Legislators in several states, I knew the American people were about to hear information they had never heard. Why? A complete and almost total news blackout, that’s why.

You were about to have some understanding of why the President, his team, and the citizens of those states in question were so determined. It was our hope that when Senators and Congressmen heard this, they might agree to Cruz’s request for an audit. And, as for me, I knew that many of you would have been asking yourselves, “why didn’t I hear about this? Are they making it up? Or did someone block me from seeing and hearing this?”

So, here’s the common sense part. WE WANTED THOSE PROCEEDINGS, AND WOULD HAVE DONE NOTHING TO DISRUPT THEM, OR WEAKEN CRUZ’S ARGUMENTS. We were there IN SUPPORT of those proceedings, not to prevent them!

It was late in the afternoon before most of the crowd on the West side of the Capitol building really got wind of what had transpired on the East side. The biggest crowed–BY FAR–was on the West side, and they looked, and felt and behaved like the folks at Trump rallies.

My heart was broken when I heard of the Capitol breach. Not for the obvious reasons that people have been yelling about incessantly since. That is so obvious. Our Capitol was assaulted. Are we even sure there were not foreign terrorists involved? You know what I write about…

My heart was broken because, although I did not know the severity of the attack, I knew that if they stopped the proceedings, that meant they would reconvene during the dead of night–WITH NO NATIONAL MEDIA LISTENING, AND NO AUDIENCE WATCHING. And that meant, my friends, that you would not know the truth, or at least the legitimate other side of the story.

Now, to the “False Flag” A false flag operation is defined as an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on a second party. Originating in the 16th Century the expression meant a deliberate misrepresentation of one’s motives or affiliations. In other words, presenting oneself under false colors in order to get close to the people you want to attack.

The Cambridge Dictionary defines it as: a political or military action that is made to appear to have been carried out by a group that is not actually responsible.

Bingo! Jan. 6, 2021–in my humble, but likely accurate, opinion was a brilliantly executed False Flag operation, and a Fifth Column attack designed to sabotage, and to break the solidarity of the people, and the national leadership.

Use your common sense now people. Immediately and without challenge, the entire debacle was blamed on Trump and more importantly his 75 million supporters–or at least the tens of tens of thousands who were on the National Mall that day.

I’m not going to opine on why you may have fallen for the “false flag.” But I am going to exhort you to not think in cliches. To think for yourselves. Why would we have sabotaged our own last, best chance to secure some justice that we felt was lacking? We were the people who wanted a totally peaceful assembly of citizens, so that the leaders would hear our voices, and know our desires.

True Trump supporters would NEVER have done that. We were crushed the moment the first breach occurred.

So, the question is: Who did have a reason or motive to stop those proceedings and prevent the argument from being heard? If you look and listen in the coming days, you will discover clues in the names and affiliations of those who are arrested.

Ex. By now you know that John Sullivan, who masqueraded as a Trump supporter by simply buying a MAGA hat and saying he was a journalist, has been arrested for inciting the riot inside the building, hurling expletives and demanding that rioters burn the place. He even conned Anderson Cooper on CNN into interviewing him that night about the day’s events. Only problem is he is a known Antifa/Black Lives Matter activist and agitator.

Ex. The idiot with the Viking horns and bare painted chest. Don’t tell me nobody noticed him in a crowd of school teachers, dentists, actors, parents with kids, doctors, construction workers, office workers, grandparents in wheel chairs etc. Take a look at this guy. He reeks of, “stop me, I am a fool.” He will likely be found to be the member of some deranged radical group on the right. For sure, he is not a true supporter of President Trump or the people of America no matter how many flags he holds, nor how he paints his body and face. His actions betrayed me that day, and 75 million others like me.

All I can tell you is that if I had seen him, I would have found the nearest police officer.

There will be others. For all you know there were foreign operators who seized the opportunity to easily disguise themselves amongst peaceful Trump people that law enforcement was not concerned about. Law enforcement had watched Trump rallies with tens upon tens of thousands of people all during the campaign, without any violent incident. If there had been violent people, you can be sure the Media would have covered it, pummeling us all.

Ex. Who the hell shows up for a peaceful protest march with gas masks, helmets, glass breaking equipment etc?

My friends, a thug is a thug–no matter the “false flag” he flies under. And anarchists are anarchists, no matter how they justify their behavior. They have no true allegiance, except to chaos and destruction. And Washington, DC that day had a few hundred anarchists camouflaged and out in front of hundreds of thousands of decent people who love their country.

Chaos, confusion, retribution, acidic accusations, threatening payback. All ensued.

The solution for now: Let law enforcement continue their investigation, and identify the ACTUAL TIME LINE OF EVENTS!. Arrest all who did it. Prosecute them all, no matter their “flag.” Imprison those who are found guilty. And from here forward, don’t fall for “false flags” and instead trust your common sense. You have it. I hope this all made some sense to you.

News Flash: Nobody Does This Legally

Published / by Lee Kessler / 2 Comments on News Flash: Nobody Does This Legally

Legal ballots are NEVER delivered in suitcases and hidden under a skirted table until after all poll watchers and most vote counters, and all local media, have been sent home–only to be brought out and counted by 4 remaining people! NEVER!! THAT’S IT, PERIOD!!!

And no one LEGALLY shreds voting machine hard-drives during a CONTESTED ELECTION. NEVER!! THAT’S IT, PERIOD!!!

The first happened on election night; the second is happening now.

To my fellow countrymen, what are you going to do about it????

They’re Back!

Published / by Lee Kessler / 2 Comments on They’re Back!

Often I take the time to point out a military strategy or tactic that I perceive to be in play in current events. I see one now that I want to illuminate for you. That tactic is “diversion.” We are massively diverting our attention right now to the election, recounts, court challenges etc. Those actions are all justified, but my sneaky mind says, “Lee, what are we not looking at? What are we missing?

You may need to put on a seat belt for the rest of this!

72.3 million of us voted for Donald J. Trump. Lawyers are battling now in 6 states, I believe, regarding varying types and degrees of voting “irregularities.” That’s a pretty wimpy word for an apparent attempt to overturn an election through fraud. I will let the experts and people responsible for this battle handle the string-pulling and evidence gathering.

My attention is on something else. The law firm hired by the DNC and presumably the Biden Campaign is Perkins Coie. Remember this name. You need to start getting this. Perkins Coie represented the DNC and the Clinton Campaign as well.

Perkins Coie hired Fusion GPS, and, for those of you who have actually watched testimony on Capitol Hill, or who have read transcripts of hearings, and seen internal now-declassified emails, you will recognize that name. Glen Simpson is the head of Fusion GPS. Fusion GPS hired Christopher Steele to write the now-debunked Steele Dossier. That dossier was maliciously planted, used, and led to a 2 year Mueller Investigation that found no collusion whatsoever between the Trump Campaign and Russia. Moreover, Steele himself has admitted it is unverifiable, and the “so-called” source has said it is not true–that it was a bunch of bar talk.

Well, that “bar talk” and “gossip” cost the American taxpayer $40 million dollars if I remember correctly, ruined the lives of countless Americans, and it put this country through hell for 3 years as Washington bureaucrats tried to find the President guilty of something he did not do. Fusion GPS is admittedly an “opposition research” firm. They created that debacle. Opposition research should be factual, even if lurid. To make it fiction, as well as lurid, should be criminal.

In any case, Glen Simpson is on the job again. Fusion GPS has been hired once again, and is currently working on something for the DNC. Wonder what new deception they are cooking up? It wasn’t election fraud, or machine ballot counting being done in Barcelona and Frankfurt, using a software purportedly created by Hugo Chavez for the purpose of election fraud. It could be. But my gut tells me it is something else. Something waiting in the wings, just in case the election night fraud scheme backfires.

In any case, they are back! Our Justice system did nothing to Fusion GPS, nor Glen Simpson, nor Christopher Steele. So, they have safely and with impunity started working on a new project for their employer. I expect Steele will have been jettisoned. But Fusion GPS and the DNC are up to something.

Follow the money, and follow their connection lines, and I suspect you will discover who masterminded the Propaganda War we are living through right now with this election. You will find who is staging a coup against the American people and our government.

Now I realize “them’s fightin’ words!” So be it. I have as much a right to my opinions as CNN has to theirs.

I have left clues in earlier Blogs. But, you might want to revisit the Blogs “All Roads Lead to Rome” and “All Roads Lead to Rome 2,” and “All Roads Lead to Rome 3.” (Archive dates 3/22/2019, 3/30/2019, and 4/1/2019) The same cast of characters keeps popping up.

And while your attention is on Dominion Software and Smartmatic? (and rightfully so) you need to also look really closely at our CIA. Very especially former CIA Director John Brennan. Stay tuned Mr. Brennan!

The Outrageous Truth

Published / by Lee Kessler / 1 Comment on The Outrageous Truth

Over a year ago I laid out various military strategies that might be waged upon us in a Propaganda or Information War. The importance of the use of psychological warfare can not be overestimated–if your goal is to suppress people, and create a totalitarian regime.

To weaken a country, or a people, one looks to break the solidarity of the people, and to sabotage their ability to think and reason. Once the target group is rendered impotent in terms of reason and logic, they are ripe for the taking.

Two tactics are used by everyone in Propaganda. You will recognize both.

The first is: the lie told often enough becomes the truth. That is why incessant hammering by the Media on the population has caused people to not be able to differentiate between a lie and a truth, between a fact and an opinion. It is the repetition of message–done almost verbatim–that eventually overwhelms one’s mind. Soon, you find yourself doubting your own reality. Or, worse yet, repeating what you heard and embracing it as truth. The lie told often enough becomes the truth.

I think we all can identify a plethora of that phenomena. But, the second one is equally deadly. Both of these tactics by the way were embraced by Hitler, and subsequent totalitarians. They knew they had to override the normal decent nature of people. Mind control done through drip drip propaganda did the trick.

Here’s the second, and I encourage everyone to really pay attention! It renders even the truth-teller almost impotent. Here it is: Tell a truth so outrageous it is dismissed as a lie. You can tell a truth about some dastardly thing you are going to do, and have it be so outrageous in its concept that the mind of good people dismisses it summarily. Then, with them not paying any attention to it, you go ahead and follow through with what you said.

You could also be someone who discovers an outrageous truth, and articulates it to warn folks. But, it is dismissed or vilified immediately, and your communication now falls on deaf ears.

One tactic wants open ears to the point you embrace the lie. And the other wants closed ears so you dismiss and ignore the truth. Either one opens the door to some terrible mischief.

We are living through the latter tactic right now. Two days ago, President Trump and his legal team told the nation a truth so outrageous the Media and politicians piled on, eviscerated it, and tossed it and the messengers into the trash.

That “truth” so outrageous it is causing even the most fair-minded to reel? So hard to look at, let alone accept? The assertion that our election and the precious ballots which represent the will of the people have been corrupted by machines from a foreign dictatorship, by software developed to look normal, but to cheat when needed, by real-time monitors who can surreptitiously change results, and those ballots are being counted and stored on servers–not in the United States–but in Barcelona and Frankfurt!

Now, that is outrageous! That is crazy, you say. Be careful here. Most Americans have already been compromised by “the lie told often enough.” By default, that makes it much harder to discern an opposing “truth.”

Slow down here, my friends. Don’t be too quick to judge, or dismiss. Don’t turn a blind eye. These machines have been used for several years now. I wonder how many other elections–local, state, or federal–have had a remote potential?

The reason I want you to slow down–even though it is terrifying–is this. Yesterday, the Trump team stated the “truth.” They were promptly vilified over and over and over again. Yet, here’s the kicker. Today, just 24 hours later, the Dominion Elections machine execs failed to come to a Pennsylvania state hearing to discuss the machines. 24 hours ago they asserted loudly their innocence, saying the machines are great, and not capable of doing what is alleged. They said there was no software connection with Smartmatic, and it is absurd to think ill of them. They said they wanted to come and explain their side of it, explain the reality so we all could understand and feel good about our election.

But today, they no-showed the hearing. They lawyered up, and under advice of counsel, decided it was best to just keep their mouths shut. That’s good legal advice, but it sure does not reassure us. It is reported also, although I can not verify this yet, that they closed their offices and deleted their Linked In profiles etc.

Now, by anyone’s definition, that is suspicious. Too bad we are talking about the election of the President of the United States, and not a local election for dog catcher!

(By the way, this same exact phenomena occurred with Fusion GPS, its owner Glenn Simpson, and “I take the 5th” testimony. Ultimately that company, the DNC, and Clinton campaign–this is all documented, undisputed public record now–gave us the Steele Dossier, the Russia Collusion Hoax, and the Mueller Investigation. And every one who tried to sound the alarm on that company was vilified. A truth so outrageous…)

Your future lives depend now on us not rushing to judgment on Trump Team’s claims or evidence. This will prove true or not true. My hunch? It is true. And God help us all if they pull this off, and get away with altering the outcome of the presidential election in the United States of America. This should not be a party thing.

Think about that. And, then think about this: Who really hired and sent them?

I was asked recently how it felt to be living inside one of my own novels. Well, sadly, we all are living inside this one. I would rather write novels about such perfidy, not live through it personally. So, that is what I am going to do.

Meanwhile, let the legal, rule of law, constitutional rights issues play out. Do not rush, lest you find out too late that this “outrageous truth” is actually just “truth.”

Do It Now!

Published / by Lee Kessler / 1 Comment on Do It Now!

All right you 73 million Americans who probably voted for President Trump–this is not the time to lose heart, to whimper, to beg to have the harassment stop, to wallow in discouragement. You might need to put a seat belt on for this Blog. I have something to say.

This is the time for you to communicate–especially those of you in Nevada, Arizona, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia–with the Governors of those states, the Secretaries of State of those states, and Election Commissioners of those states. Demand that they not certify any results that they are not 100% certain of–no matter what pressure, or threats are being directed at them, or their families, as was the case in Detroit two days ago.

To certify an election that wrongfully and willfully ousts a President of the United States is to be as complicit as those who schemed up what Joe Biden referred to recently as the best election fraud system in history. (very close to an exact quote) You thought it was a gaffe. It was not. He looked straight into camera, and very forcefully and slowly stated it. It might have been a “brain fart” but it was not a gaffe. He knew something, and he told us, albeit accidentally.

We must all hold the line now. This is an assault upon us and our fellow countrymen. Cheating to win is subversion. And, if adversarial foreign powers were involved, it is most likely treason. Whatever it is, cheating can not be allowed to become an accepted part of our culture.

Encourage investigators to find out who is the money behind Smartmatic? Who are the founders of that company close to? What foreign individuals or governments are involved with that company?


Call your state legislators, demanding that all election laws be reviewed and changed to avoid a debacle like this again.

Demand that the Governor of Georgia convene a special assembly of his legislature, to fix the dual identity verification systems that were used, thereby opening the door to fraud and unfairness. HE NEEDS TO DO THIS RIGHT NOW. THERE IS TIME FOR AN EMERGENCY SESSION OF A STATE LEGISLATURE. (No matter what state you live in, reach the Governor, and the head of elections in Georgia.)

Send money to the candidates’ election defense funds.

Ask your local GOP what is needed. Is it money? Is it phone calls? Is it marches in Washington, or other state capitols? Do you need to go to Georgia to volunteer in the Senate race run-offs? Follow the lead of the campaign.

President Trump is not fighting for himself. He is fighting for us and our political future. Listen and follow his lead. Back him up.

But, we must make the phones ring off the hooks, create such an influx of emails, tweets, social media posts, in-person meetings, texts–any and all communication channels available–so that no single person in authority in any state in the United States is not made constantly aware that something has gone dreadfully wrong, and that they must see to it that we slow down, fix the fraud portals, and get the next counts right. And, that if there are court actions, that we wait on those before we destroy the faith and confidence of We the People that we are We the People.

Some arrogant, power hungry thugs in Washington have forgotten who is boss. Never let up. Hold the line. Be peaceful, but firm. Stand on the Constitution and rely upon the Rule of Law. It will hold, but only if ALL of us pull now–together.

And, this is important enough and time-urgent enough that it is worth skipping some of your other “important things I have to do.” You matter. You always have. And I want to make sure you always will. But, make no mistake, if the will of over 70 million Americans can just be brushed aside and ignored, then we have elected reprobates, and we bear the responsibility.

A people get the government they deserve. I know we deserve better than this. All my life I–like you–have played by the rules, followed the law, been as honest as possible. And, I do not intend for people who say things to me like, “the riots in Portland and around the country are annoying, but necessary,” to prevail. I will not surrender this country to a group of politicians and their enforcement thugs who believe that the ends justify the means, and that it is important to win by any means necessary. Any means necessary. Think about it my friends.

There is a mob roaming our country and air waves that believes it is OK to lie, cheat, steal, burn, assault, and undermine in order to bring about the world they want. And you, and your values and opinions and dreams, are not part of the world they want.

I don’t want to hear anyone tell me Donald Trump is just fighting this for himself, and his ego. It is his right–and any candidate’s right–to challenge election “irregularities” and results. But, more importantly, it is his responsibility. “To defend the United States from all enemies, foreign and domestic…” that is the oath. Notice that he is following the rule of law. He is using the courts. He is relying upon the Constitution, and following it.

He is fighting for me. He is fighting for you. For even one vote that was illegal cancels my vote. For the second vote that was illegal cancels your vote. How many thousands or even millions of us lost our vote on the night of Nov. 3, and the three subsequent days. He knows he will be gone–now or 4 years from now. But, we continue. The question is: Do we continue as an irrelevant schmuck whose vote is easily cancelled? Or do we continue as one of “we the people” whose vote is precious, revered, and determinative?

We let this happen. Now we must win “by any LEGAL means possible.”