Category Archives: Politics

Common Sense and the “False Flag”

Published / by Lee Kessler / 6 Comments on Common Sense and the “False Flag”

It has been said that the least common thing in America is “common sense.” I doubt that. I am trusting that you have some.

I was at the rally in Washington, DC and have my own personal reality of what did and did not happen there. Today, however, I want to address this event from the point of view I often do–Propaganda Warfare.

My estimate is there were several hundred thousand people at that rally–most were supporters of the President and we are renowned for being a peaceful, exuberant crowd. Most have followed the various legal challenges the President made in contesting the election.

Though we knew the proceedings that day were our last chance at getting a positive result for our candidate, we came nonetheless. Pouring in from all over the country–even as far away as Alaska–people came to be together, to hear the President, and to make the men and women of Congress aware that there really are a lot of us who feel strongly.

In my case, I especially wanted the proceedings to happen because I knew they would be covered by every Mainstream Media outlet live, and that there would be a huge audience watching. And, since I had followed “live” various presentations of fraud evidence to State Legislators in several states, I knew the American people were about to hear information they had never heard. Why? A complete and almost total news blackout, that’s why.

You were about to have some understanding of why the President, his team, and the citizens of those states in question were so determined. It was our hope that when Senators and Congressmen heard this, they might agree to Cruz’s request for an audit. And, as for me, I knew that many of you would have been asking yourselves, “why didn’t I hear about this? Are they making it up? Or did someone block me from seeing and hearing this?”

So, here’s the common sense part. WE WANTED THOSE PROCEEDINGS, AND WOULD HAVE DONE NOTHING TO DISRUPT THEM, OR WEAKEN CRUZ’S ARGUMENTS. We were there IN SUPPORT of those proceedings, not to prevent them!

It was late in the afternoon before most of the crowd on the West side of the Capitol building really got wind of what had transpired on the East side. The biggest crowed–BY FAR–was on the West side, and they looked, and felt and behaved like the folks at Trump rallies.

My heart was broken when I heard of the Capitol breach. Not for the obvious reasons that people have been yelling about incessantly since. That is so obvious. Our Capitol was assaulted. Are we even sure there were not foreign terrorists involved? You know what I write about…

My heart was broken because, although I did not know the severity of the attack, I knew that if they stopped the proceedings, that meant they would reconvene during the dead of night–WITH NO NATIONAL MEDIA LISTENING, AND NO AUDIENCE WATCHING. And that meant, my friends, that you would not know the truth, or at least the legitimate other side of the story.

Now, to the “False Flag” A false flag operation is defined as an act committed with the intent of disguising the actual source of responsibility and pinning blame on a second party. Originating in the 16th Century the expression meant a deliberate misrepresentation of one’s motives or affiliations. In other words, presenting oneself under false colors in order to get close to the people you want to attack.

The Cambridge Dictionary defines it as: a political or military action that is made to appear to have been carried out by a group that is not actually responsible.

Bingo! Jan. 6, 2021–in my humble, but likely accurate, opinion was a brilliantly executed False Flag operation, and a Fifth Column attack designed to sabotage, and to break the solidarity of the people, and the national leadership.

Use your common sense now people. Immediately and without challenge, the entire debacle was blamed on Trump and more importantly his 75 million supporters–or at least the tens of tens of thousands who were on the National Mall that day.

I’m not going to opine on why you may have fallen for the “false flag.” But I am going to exhort you to not think in cliches. To think for yourselves. Why would we have sabotaged our own last, best chance to secure some justice that we felt was lacking? We were the people who wanted a totally peaceful assembly of citizens, so that the leaders would hear our voices, and know our desires.

True Trump supporters would NEVER have done that. We were crushed the moment the first breach occurred.

So, the question is: Who did have a reason or motive to stop those proceedings and prevent the argument from being heard? If you look and listen in the coming days, you will discover clues in the names and affiliations of those who are arrested.

Ex. By now you know that John Sullivan, who masqueraded as a Trump supporter by simply buying a MAGA hat and saying he was a journalist, has been arrested for inciting the riot inside the building, hurling expletives and demanding that rioters burn the place. He even conned Anderson Cooper on CNN into interviewing him that night about the day’s events. Only problem is he is a known Antifa/Black Lives Matter activist and agitator.

Ex. The idiot with the Viking horns and bare painted chest. Don’t tell me nobody noticed him in a crowd of school teachers, dentists, actors, parents with kids, doctors, construction workers, office workers, grandparents in wheel chairs etc. Take a look at this guy. He reeks of, “stop me, I am a fool.” He will likely be found to be the member of some deranged radical group on the right. For sure, he is not a true supporter of President Trump or the people of America no matter how many flags he holds, nor how he paints his body and face. His actions betrayed me that day, and 75 million others like me.

All I can tell you is that if I had seen him, I would have found the nearest police officer.

There will be others. For all you know there were foreign operators who seized the opportunity to easily disguise themselves amongst peaceful Trump people that law enforcement was not concerned about. Law enforcement had watched Trump rallies with tens upon tens of thousands of people all during the campaign, without any violent incident. If there had been violent people, you can be sure the Media would have covered it, pummeling us all.

Ex. Who the hell shows up for a peaceful protest march with gas masks, helmets, glass breaking equipment etc?

My friends, a thug is a thug–no matter the “false flag” he flies under. And anarchists are anarchists, no matter how they justify their behavior. They have no true allegiance, except to chaos and destruction. And Washington, DC that day had a few hundred anarchists camouflaged and out in front of hundreds of thousands of decent people who love their country.

Chaos, confusion, retribution, acidic accusations, threatening payback. All ensued.

The solution for now: Let law enforcement continue their investigation, and identify the ACTUAL TIME LINE OF EVENTS!. Arrest all who did it. Prosecute them all, no matter their “flag.” Imprison those who are found guilty. And from here forward, don’t fall for “false flags” and instead trust your common sense. You have it. I hope this all made some sense to you.

Easy In, Hard Out

Published / by Lee Kessler / 1 Comment on Easy In, Hard Out

Years ago, a business mentor of mine gave me some great leadership advice. He reminded me that, as leaders, we are often in a position to insert something into the organization, or to change something with the team. The temptation to put something into a group is nearly irresistible.

So, he cautioned me, that before I would put anything into the business team, to ask myself, “was this something I wanted to have in there permanently, duplicated over and over by others, until it became a permanent part of the culture? He explained to me that it is very easy to put something into a group, or activity, but that it is very hard–if not impossible–to take it out once it takes root.

When you try to take it out, he coached me, you will meet resistance, emotionality, push-back, anger, and mutiny even. People do not like to let go of something they have embraced. They will cling to it even if it is no longer a relevant issue.

And that, my friends, is precisely the danger we face today with the China Virus lockdowns, and restraints. Our government has a tendency at all levels to put in controls, restraints, even repression in order to control some situation that appears out of control to the bureacrats.

Take for example the TSA screenings mandated at all airports, and forced upon all citizens following 9/11. I am not debating whether or not that invasion of privacy, and massive inconvenience, is public policy you agree with or don’t agree with. What I am pointing out is that they started this even before 9/11. Airports put in severe restrictions on going to the gates following the Atlanta Olympics bombing. That was in the 90’s, and that is still in effect today.

Post 9/11, the TSA check-ins were put in, to protect us from terror attack. It has been almost 20 years since then, and much more sophisticated ways have been developed to ensure our safety. Requiring every person to go through the machines is not necessary today, yet those machines remain in place. They were easy in, and hard out.

If you doubt what I just said, ask yourself, what is it that allows you to get a TSA Pre-check? You pay money, and somehow you are “checked” and allowed to board with not much more than identification. What tools did they use to satisfy themselves that you are OK to travel? Hmmm?

Which brings me to lockdowns, “home-arrests,” destruction of small businesses–all done initially to protect us from a new virus that spreads, and can kill. Easy in.

That was 10 months ago, when everything was unknown. Yet 10 months later–when we know its origin now, know its DNA, have developed very successful and multiple therapeutics to treat anyone who gets it and gets quite ill, and have developed and released two and soon-to-be three vaccines to protect the whole world from even getting it–you are being pressured, and threatened, and coerced into sheltering in place. You are being told it is noble for you to stand by as your fellow citizens lose their businesses. You are told it is just unavoidable collateral damage that millions of Americans have now sunk into despair and depression. You are pummeled if you even raise the certain truth that locking children out of school may cost us an entire generation, and destroy the lives of tens of millions.

All that done purportedly to save you! And God help you if you even dare to ask the questions, “Do we really need all this just to keep me safe? Can’t I be responsible for myself, and my family? Does everyone need to suffer now? What exactly is the current mortality rate of this disease? Is it true that the death rate is now down to between 1.5 and 1.8 %? Doesn’t that mean all the great work that we put “in” has worked?

Is it not time for us to take some of this “out?”

Watch what happens to you when you even ask any of the questions I just asked. It went “in” easy–this thing called complete power and control over a population. It is going to go “out” hard. You are going to have to work hard to free yourself–if you ever do.

You may ask why people make it hard to take something out that is no longer needed, or not needed in its harshest and most draconian form. Follow the money, my friends. It will always come down to the money. Those who love power and control also love money.

They may care about you, but it is on a much lesser priority than their caring about money.

Easy in, hard out. So be it. Let’s get it done though, lest we end up 20 years from now still living with masks, fear, social distance circles, hostile looks and comments, rubber gloves, and isolation from those we care about.FacebookTwitterEmailRedditLinkedInShareEditSearch for: 

About Me

Lee Kessler is an author, television actress, screenwriter, playwright, and stage director. Read more

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How You Know You’ve Been Conned, Part 2

Published / by Lee Kessler / 2 Comments on How You Know You’ve Been Conned, Part 2

Hopefully we won’t have a Part 3 or Part 30. That’s up to you. But, right now, I can predict there will be a Part 2. I guess if the “Media” can predict election results, I can predict what is coming next for ALL OF US.

Last week Monday, the first, long-awaited vaccine was released and began distribution. As far as I know things are going well. Friday, approval for the second vaccine was granted, and I believe it will be distributed according to the plan, starting Monday. It is likely that will go well too.

Please keep in mind that one year ago we did not even know about this virus, let alone have gone through months of “house arrest”–otherwise known as self-quarantining, or worse yet, mandatory lockdowns. We had not shut down the economy, here or globally. We had not witnessed millions of our countrymen out of work, losing their jobs, their businesses, their homes, and, for many, their minds.

We had not lost our hope of seeing family, of hugging, of smiling and having people engage. In essence we lost us, and our way of life–all to protect a vulnerable group. We did it. And we were programmed to wait for the vaccine, to stay safe and keep others safe until the vaccine. Somehow, miraculously, this vaccine would not only keep us safe, but it would give us our lives back.

Well Operation Warpspeed, as put together by the President yielded an abundance. We have not just one vaccine, but TWO. And, a third close at hand.

So, one would think that would do the trick. But no. Mark my words. If the medical people, and certain politicians at all levels of government have not already begun to do so, this is what they will do.

Soon you will begin reading about and hearing about the virus mutating. (Viruses do that, by the way. They usually mutate weaker, but what the heck. We all deserve to be flat terrified all of our lives, don’t we?) You will be told that, since the mutation is inevitable, or even happening right now, there is no certainty that the vaccines will work on the newest version of the virus.

Therefore you should continue to wear your masks, keep your distance, refuse to travel, cancel all holidays and plans, and accept the absolute and final accuracy and authority of the medial and scientific community in power at the moment. You should be willing to remain unemployed, or to see your businesses bleed to death, and your savings shrivel–just to make sure… The argument will be compelling, and it will guilt-trip you.

Even though you have been immunized by a vaccine, or immunized by having had the China Virus and developed your own antibodies, or you may be naturally immune, the “authorities” will cast doubt upon your immunity, and they will attempt to keep you hunkered down, out of communication with the world, and hiding from a possible future version of the virus. So, no matter how great the scientists and pharmaceutical companies were in getting a solution that should allow us to open up life again, you will be told you can’t.

Mark my words. This will happen. There is nothing I would rather be more wrong about than this! I would sleep better at night if I were wrong! In fact, most of what I write about, I would prefer to be wrong about–and am prepared happily to be so!

Unfortunately, I understand the mind of those who would control their fellow man, who would assume power over them, and hold them in submission–afraid to do something as simple as walk outside without a mask.

When and if you start hearing that these vaccine saviors may not be good enough for this brilliant virus, it will be time to put your foot down. And face the statistical data of what the survival rate is for those who get it. First, you will be very happy to know the survivability, and you will freely skip about into your life. Second, you will become really angry. For you will realize you are just now discovering something that has been known–and resisted–for many months. Do your research. Find out the survivability percentage of those who have gotten it. And, even those who are most vulnerable. What is their survivability?

And that, my friends, will be how you know you have been conned, part 2.

End this game here. We all have a lot of living to do, before we die. In the next Blog, I will show you the mechanism used to keep something going indefinitely. So simple, so profound.

How You Know You’ve Been Conned

Published / by Lee Kessler / 1 Comment on How You Know You’ve Been Conned

Pfizer applied for Emergency Use Authorization for their Covid-19 vaccine immediately upon completing the trials successfully. Great Britain’s health organization met immediately and approved it for use. People in Great Britain started receiving the vaccine. Even Bahrain embraced it.

Not here, though. Despite the fact the President had authorized millions of doses to be manufactured in advance, and ready the second the drug was approved–and tasked a General to handle logistics and distribution–the United States did not launch quickly.

Why? The FDA. Despite the urgency of getting the vaccine out–with the whole world waiting for it, and the threat of more Americans becoming infected and possibly dying, the FDA set their hearing almost three weeks after the application was made.

Geez, I hope this didn’t interrupt your golf game, FDA!! They were in no rush. They set a December hearing, held it, and then waited another two days to approve it.

And that is how you know you have been conned.

Is the virus real? Yes. Is it deadly? For some, yes. For those who are very sick, are the therapeutics essential? You bet. For those who are afraid of getting it, whose lives have turned into a virtual house arrest, should the vaccine arrive “yesterday,” as the saying goes? Yes.

If our officials were truly concerned about all the “news” about rising infections and the spread of new cases–and the ensuing percentage of deaths that could occur each day the virus is spreading–why would they not hold their hearing immediately, even in the middle of the night if necessary? After all, by their logic, each day that goes by, more people are getting this virus. And if more people are getting it, more people will die, right? So, why would you wait even one day to authorize the release of a preventative vaccine? Why would you risk even one more American life?

After all, we have been told and told and told and told that we have to stay locked down until a vaccine arrives. We have been told we are killers to even want to try to work, or save our businesses, or even take a walk–that we must shrink and restrain ourselves from all normal activities until the vaccine arrives.

So, why the three week delay in even reviewing the request? Is it that they don’t care that more Americans in that three weeks would be exposed to and contract the disease, possibly die from it? Are those unsuspecting Americans unimportant? How many did contract it from Nov. 20-Dec.11?

Apparently this virus is not really that great a concern to them. It’s the lack of sense of urgency at the FDA that tells you, you have been conned! It is a real threat, but not one that should have stopped you cold for 10 months. The President and his team moved heaven and earth to get a vaccine created, only to have a mysterious hold interposed. Friends, if they had started the review on Nov. 20 when the request first came in–after all it wasn’t like the whole world hasn’t been waiting for this, and they knew it was coming–and if the review took 20 days, we might accept it as “procedural” and “cautionary.” But to not even start the review until Dec. 9 is a glaring oddity.

Either this virus is not as threatening as you have been led to believe, or our FDA is incompetent and tone deaf. If this is a reflection of their “professionalism,” I certainly don’t want any form of government control of my health care.

Someone took this virus and used it for other purposes, for other agendas. And the sooner, my friends, you realize that, the better. As the saying goes–Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

News Flash: Nobody Does This Legally

Published / by Lee Kessler / 2 Comments on News Flash: Nobody Does This Legally

Legal ballots are NEVER delivered in suitcases and hidden under a skirted table until after all poll watchers and most vote counters, and all local media, have been sent home–only to be brought out and counted by 4 remaining people! NEVER!! THAT’S IT, PERIOD!!!

And no one LEGALLY shreds voting machine hard-drives during a CONTESTED ELECTION. NEVER!! THAT’S IT, PERIOD!!!

The first happened on election night; the second is happening now.

To my fellow countrymen, what are you going to do about it????