Category Archives: Media Bias

A Warning from the Past–revisited

Published / by Lee Kessler / 1 Comment on A Warning from the Past–revisited

 “Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper.  Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle.  The real extent of this state of misinformation is known only to those who are in situations to confront facts within their knowledge with the lies of the day. . . .  I will add, that the man who never looks into a newspaper is better informed than he who reads them; inasmuch as he who knows nothing is nearer to truth than he whose mind is filled with falsehoods & errors.” 

Attributed to Thomas Jefferson (June 11, 1807) – Principal author of the Declaration of Independence, 3rd, President of the United States from 1801 to 1809

Food for thought for today’s climate: What is “lying by omission?” And then ask yourself how devastating is it to you if the Press omits key facts that would allow you to properly evaluate?

You are the boss.

Dwarfed by the news of the Pandemic and the national shutdown, the last two weeks however have also seen monumental revelations concerning abuse of power and corruption at the highest levels of the FBI, and Justice Departments from 2016 to the recent past.

Documents long sought under the rule of law–not anonymous sources making up and “leaking” whatever–have surfaced. The picture I and many have described and tried to help you see is now clear. In their own words in emails and texts, and even in their own handwriting, the proof of a plot, and the identities of the malevolent cast of characters are now visible for you to see.

You may writhe, and struggle, and deny and argue, but this data will be evidence–in my opinion–in courts of law in the coming months. Justice is sometimes slow, but eventually truth does out.

A mentor of mine in business was overheard telling one of his young proteges this: “The things that will hurt you most in life are the things you accept as true, but which are actually false.” One takes the lie, and begins to think, evaluate, and decide through the filter of the lie. And terrible consequences can ensue.

So, Director Comey, I watched you last year on national television brazenly and pridefully confess to actions which were part of a coup. You laughed, and thought you would get away with it. Except for that pesky little thing called the Law, you would have.

Now, as of last week, we know the back story. As I wrote in the novel “White King and the Doctor,” if you want to overturn a government, without a hot war and without being spotted as the subversive, you “persuade” the people of that country to do it themselves.

What is that back story then? A counter-intelligence operation which we would normally run against another country to covertly overthrow a government there, was turned against our own government. The goal? The overthrow of the President of the United States.

James Comey, you have a right to remain silent…

For those who need more info, look up “recent developments in the case of Michael Flynn.” If you don’t see it, bail from that news agency. You might try

Three Types of People

Published / by Lee Kessler / 1 Comment on Three Types of People

No one ever erected a statue to a critic. That is something to ponder I believe. Statues and monuments have been erected to those they criticize, but no one remembers the critic–the pathetic soul who can only tear down.

Which brings me to something I have observed over the years and in my life experiences. There are basically three types of people, for our purposes: Those who enhance, those who dominate, and those who nullify.

I know each of us probably strives to be the person who enhances the lives of others, who adds value to those we meet in life, and who endeavors to lift people up–whether they be our children, our colleagues at work, or people we meet randomly as we live. When we enhance, we are happy, but so are the people we enhance.

The second group is comprised of those who would dominate your thoughts, your actions, your emotions, your livelihood, your speech– basically who you are. When in the presence of those who would dominate, we do not feel free. We feel squashed, held down, even overwhelmed. Our only solutions seem to be to succumb, fight, or flee. If you have ever been around a college professor who dominates how you think, or what you believe, and who holds the threat of a bad grade over you if you disagree, you know what I am talking about.

The totalitarian belongs in this class. They have to dominate and control.

The third, though, is the most destructive of all, for they make nothing out of every good thing you do, say, or demonstrate. They are the miserable souls whose goal is to nullify all success, all progress, all upward movement etc. They are happy only when you have not only been dominated, but you have been stopped, and any progress you made has been wiped out.

If a president and his team brings about the lowest unemployment in history, the nullifier either denies that fact, or says it doesn’t mean anything.

If you form a team and raise money for a neighborhood cause, the nullifier says you were taking money for yourself, and the cause wasn’t worthwhile in the first place.

If you ever took one of your drawings as a child to a friend for them to see your art work, and they belittled it, and ridiculed it, they were a nullifier at that moment.

If a group of private citizens starts to clean up the streets of a city in distress due to the homeless population, cleaning up the debris and dangerous waste, the nullifier criticizes them.

If you expressed a dream you believed in and wanted to achieve, and your friend scoffed and said, “You’ll never have that,” Or “You’re not good enough for that,” they were nullifying you and your dreams.

If the President bans travel from China to protect us from the Wuhan Virus, he is called a xenophobe. The desire to protect is nullified by the criticism.

If you attempt to call the Wuhan virus the Wuhan virus, after its point of origin, the one who dominates will insist you call it the Corona Virus. Your good intention is nullified by the name calling.

No one responds well to the nullifier. No one feels good, uplifted, inspired, or bigger in the presence of a nullifier. So, remember, no one ever erected a statue to the critic (nullifier). The Media in the United States has degraded now in my opinion to pure nullification. They will make nothing out of anything positive–and try to obliterate it. Negative sells. They get rich by belittling accomplishment, and creating fear and chaos.

However, someone may erect a statue to you one day, but only if you become an enhancer of lives in such quantity and significance that who you are deserves memorialization. I believe someone reading this Blog is that person. Someone reading this Blog will build great things, and serve many.

I encourage you to look around for examples of these three kinds of people in your own life, and in the news. You’ll feel better.

Corona Virus–Economic Warfare

Published / by Lee Kessler / 1 Comment on Corona Virus–Economic Warfare

Before I board a plane today to live my normal life, I am compelled to publish this. It may seem real to you. If you have read “White King and the Battle of America: the Endgame” this will cause you to nod your agreement, and perhaps have an “aha” moment.

For those of you who have not read it, I recommend you drop everything, put it on your Kindle, buy an Amazon copy, and read it immediately. Stop listening to the news. Stop reading your political non-fiction material, and take up this book. I am serious about this my friends.

I am NOT self-promoting here. I am trying to save your lifestyle and future freedom. To date, everything written in the novels that make up the White King Trilogy have played out in real life so eerily true that I had to actually defend myself to people prominent in intelligence, counter-terrorism, propaganda warfare and the like.

If they took this seriously, you need to as well. Here’s why:

The final battle in the trilogy is a global economic warfare game, set-up and initiated outside the United States. The target? YOU, and your prosperity.

Today, you are looking at a real-time example of this story. This whole Corona Virus, in my opinion, is the excuse for countries around the world to collapse their own economies. The Virus is real. The Media has hyped its seriousness, however, to a degree that we are literally shutting down the US economy in order to make sure you don’t get the flu.

Think about that. Propaganda warfare tools are being used against you to frighten you so much, you will cave in your own livelihood. You will yield to the “saviors” that wait outside our shores– you, helpless and in grateful need of their “assistance.”

Yesterday, the first of those “saviors” offered a helping hand. You didn’t notice. I doubt President Trump noticed. If you did, you welcomed it. But, that offer to help is a signal that we are living in the actual “White King and the Battle of America: the Endgame” story. Fiction is becoming fact.

Therefore, even if you have not read the first book which reveals the takedown of the US from within, exposing who did it and why, and who is complicit–wittingly or unwittingly–you should read the third book.

Even if you did not read the second book, “White King Rising,” which reveals the shocking truth of HOW we are being brought down–by a Trojan Horse–you should read the third book.

It reveals WHO sent the Trojan Horse, who recruited the unwitting help they needed inside the US, and it clearly exposes HOW they plan to bring the world to its knees economically.

The virus is the excuse. A happy coincidence? Or an actual weapon? Either way, this opened the door for the surreptitious take-down designed to plunge the world into chaos. And, waiting in the wings, the saviors.

Here’s the good news. Once you spot this enemy, and the attack line, you will calm down. Whatever rough waters lie ahead, you will have a steely clear-eyed vision on the end victory by you. The attack evaporates as soon as you look at it.

Take heed here.

My Bad–CNN did cover it!

Published / by Lee Kessler / 2 Comments on My Bad–CNN did cover it!

Well, I was wrong. CNN did cover the President’s trip to India. Then all the other media sheep followed them with the exact same coverage.

Of course, CNN did not cover the purpose of the trip in any great depth or analysis. They did not cover the 110,000 excited fans in the arena, nor the reported other 100,000 people lining the streets for the motorcade, except as backdrop for the real story.

The real story according to CNN? The dietary habits of President Donald J. Trump. They decided to belittle and ridicule our President for his eating habits. They were all obsessed with what he was going to eat in India, since he likes steak. And they just couldn’t imagine that he would be able to endure the vegetarian diet that Modi would likely present to him. (Sounds a bit stereotypical to me. But then, no one is accusing these journalists of original thought or observation.)

They even had the ubiquitous “anonymous White House sources” tell them the President rarely even eats a salad. And, ignoring the trade deals, the cementing of an alliance with an ally, the potential securing of the region, they spent their time joking and demeaning.

Can you believe these folks are paid millions? As a former Human Resources and Labor Relations executive, I recommend you send every mean-spirited, shallow person you run into over to CNN to apply for a job.

They should fit right in.

So, there you have it–my official correction of my original inaccurate “reporting.”

The 110,000 person non-story

Published / by Lee Kessler / 2 Comments on The 110,000 person non-story

Today, more than half way around the world, 110,000 excited people filled the world’s largest cricket stadium. The motorcade arriving at the stadium drove through record crowds, throngs of people along the streets–many waving American flags–and deposited its occupants backstage.

Who drew such a crowd? For whom was such enthusiasm displayed? Who drew even bigger crowds than President Trump typically does in the United States?

I heard about this while driving to my yoga class this morning. I happened to turn on a morning business show to check in on what was happening business-wise when the host of the show, Stuart Varney, was lamenting the fact that there was almost no coverage of the event. He wanted to see and hear more.

But, our media was only begrudgingly commenting on this historic crowd and speechmaking. True, it occurred in the middle of the night ET, so perhaps they were just too exhausted hyping political activities here in the US to have been able to get up that early, or to stay up that late. Or perhaps they lacked the intellectual curiosity to find out why so many people were out, flag-waving, in a foreign country.

More likely they knew, but couldn’t stomach admitting the admiration the speaker was getting. Perhaps they couldn’t admit that this person is not universally hated. Perhaps the images of 110,000 cheering people in a stadium were so great a contradiction to the narrative they have told Americans for so long that they couldn’t even find words.

Some found a picture. Some may have reluctantly shown a small clip of a moment or two of the event in that stadium. Then they returned to the usual onslaught of negativity and falsehoods that we all have become accustomed to.

So, who was the visitor to India? President Donald J. Trump.

I challenge you to look it up and see what you can learn about why these people appear to love our President. You can be pretty sure you will need to ferret it out yourself.

Because if the conspiracy-theory Media has its way, you will soon be given a long list of countries that they believe are trying to interfere in our election. Any world leader who appreciates the United States and who respects our President will have to be added to the list of possible co-conspirators.

So far, we can add Prime Minister Modi of India, Prime Minister Boris Johnson of Great Britain. the Prime Minister of Canada, the President of Mexico, the Director of NATO, the President of Russia, the President of the Ukraine, the Prime Minister of Australia, the President of France, the President of Brazil, the President of Colombia, the Prime Minister of Israel, the King of Jordan, the Prime Minister of Japan, the President of China, the President of South Korea.

And the list goes on. Boy, that is an awful lot of countries who could be engaging in interference with the next election because they want to continue to work with our President!! Wow, former CIA Director John Brennan is going to be awfully busy framing all of those guys! It’s going to take the help of a whole crew of people. For sure he is going to need Comey and Clapper.

The “swamp” is going to be overworked for the next few months. This is going to be fun to watch!

Stay tuned, Director Brennan. Don’t forget “the Bloodhound” is still out there, getting closer and closer. You might want to up your doses of anti-depressant, anti-anxiety, and sleep medications.