Before I board a plane today to live my normal life, I am compelled to publish this. It may seem real to you. If you have read “White King and the Battle of America: the Endgame” this will cause you to nod your agreement, and perhaps have an “aha” moment.
For those of you who have not read it, I recommend you drop everything, put it on your Kindle, buy an Amazon copy, and read it immediately. Stop listening to the news. Stop reading your political non-fiction material, and take up this book. I am serious about this my friends.
I am NOT self-promoting here. I am trying to save your lifestyle and future freedom. To date, everything written in the novels that make up the White King Trilogy have played out in real life so eerily true that I had to actually defend myself to people prominent in intelligence, counter-terrorism, propaganda warfare and the like.
If they took this seriously, you need to as well. Here’s why:
The final battle in the trilogy is a global economic warfare game, set-up and initiated outside the United States. The target? YOU, and your prosperity.
Today, you are looking at a real-time example of this story. This whole Corona Virus, in my opinion, is the excuse for countries around the world to collapse their own economies. The Virus is real. The Media has hyped its seriousness, however, to a degree that we are literally shutting down the US economy in order to make sure you don’t get the flu.
Think about that. Propaganda warfare tools are being used against you to frighten you so much, you will cave in your own livelihood. You will yield to the “saviors” that wait outside our shores– you, helpless and in grateful need of their “assistance.”
Yesterday, the first of those “saviors” offered a helping hand. You didn’t notice. I doubt President Trump noticed. If you did, you welcomed it. But, that offer to help is a signal that we are living in the actual “White King and the Battle of America: the Endgame” story. Fiction is becoming fact.
Therefore, even if you have not read the first book which reveals the takedown of the US from within, exposing who did it and why, and who is complicit–wittingly or unwittingly–you should read the third book.
Even if you did not read the second book, “White King Rising,” which reveals the shocking truth of HOW we are being brought down–by a Trojan Horse–you should read the third book.
It reveals WHO sent the Trojan Horse, who recruited the unwitting help they needed inside the US, and it clearly exposes HOW they plan to bring the world to its knees economically.
The virus is the excuse. A happy coincidence? Or an actual weapon? Either way, this opened the door for the surreptitious take-down designed to plunge the world into chaos. And, waiting in the wings, the saviors.
Here’s the good news. Once you spot this enemy, and the attack line, you will calm down. Whatever rough waters lie ahead, you will have a steely clear-eyed vision on the end victory by you. The attack evaporates as soon as you look at it.
Take heed here.
When to sock market took another 2000 pint drop the other day, the light came on. I see what they are doing and I have been trying to tell everyone what is happening. So far I have had no luck. So here is my take, they are purposely crashing the stock market to take away your money. They have started a panic, where everyone is storming the markets (grocery stores) and buying anything and everything. Putting a fear into y0u so you don’t leave your homes.
This pandemic has nothing to do with your health, they have created an economic pandemic in order to create one world order and no one is seeing this. Or not and I just might be loosing my marbles. lol. And, yes, I have read your trilogy.