I don’t know whether to be flattered or angry. I’ll choose angry today. Two weeks ago I posted one of my Blogs from www.LeeKessler.net. It had to do with voting, and my recommendations–not on who to vote for–but on how to make sure your vote gets counted, and counted in a timely manner, this election.
The Blog was one of the ones most commented on by you, my readers, and most forwarded. Facebook, however, was not satisfied with it, and decided to do their own improvements.
It’s bad enough that some company feels they can censor your words and thoughts, that are not at all inflammatory. It’s even worse when some millennial “woke” person creates an algorithm, and the algorithm then finds words, and then Facebook adds their commentary or evaluation.
In this case they added right on top of my Blog–as if it were part of it–a box with all kinds of “helpful” information on voting during this election. If you click on their link, you find some good information there. And you also find “evaluations” and opinions about mail in voting. And that is just what it appears to be–an opinion, not supported by current facts necessarily. If they cared about facts they would have stated what the rejection percentage has been in recent years and months with mail in ballots, or the number of fraud cases in recent elections.
When I checked the source of the Facebook-approved voter recommendations, it is Jason Grumet’s think tank, the Bipartisan Policy Center. Grumet is a former Obama energy and climate advisor.
You can form your own opinion. You read my Blogs because hopefully you value my opinion on some issues. I doubt you needed Facebook’s! So, I am going to post it again. You can read the original post. It is just to the right of this one, under Recent Posts. Title: How to Ensure Your Vote Counts