Americans have an innate sense of fair play I think. We don’t like one-sidedness, hypocrisy, double standards, subterfuge, and ambushes. And, I believe we know that if one is being attacked every day of the week, all day, on all sides, and about all subjects, something is wrong–with the attacker. And, it is probably not all wrong with the guy who is being attacked. When the attack is too extreme, it is a truth in life that the one launching the attack is in fact guilty of what they are accusing.
This datum is used in investigations to ascertain who has truly done what to whom. The extreme, hysterical accuser has done to you exactly what he is accusing you of doing. Good way to quickly identify a culprit and their crime, if you ask me. I saw my late husband, who was a “turn-around guy,” use this often to locate who was bringing a company down from within.
Which brings me to a present situation. Even the vilest amongst us are treated better than the President of the United States. So, today I felt compelled to write him a thank you note. For what? For being willing to do the job at all. I was one of the “deplorables”–apparently now, according to the always vituperative Media, a “cult follower”–who felt that dramatic change was needed in Washington. So, I, and 63 million other Americans sent him to Washington to do something for all of the country.
Here is the email I sent to him today. It’s just a note. Just a thank you. His personality, leadership style, and effectiveness have caused a lot of people to surface who otherwise would have remained hidden for even more decades of decay from within. For that, I think we should all be profoundly grateful.
“Dear Mr. President, I want to tell you I am thankful for you, for your leadership, and your courage. Before, when I last communicated, I told you I was sorry you have to go through this. But you do. We picked you on some divine instinct that you would be able to bear up. Lincoln faced something similar. And, sadly, we are in a civil war today–philosophically and culturally. Americans know that, and we picked you to stand in the gap, with us at your back.
I am an 8th generation descendant of a poor man recruited by George Washington to fight in the Revolution. He did–for land and freedom. And he survived. Descendants in my family also served in the Civil War, World War II, and the Korean War. I am now an author of prophetic, political fiction. I fight for this great nation and its amazing people with words.
Along the way–and because of what I write about–I was honored and humbled to have been inducted into the Dazzling Daughters of the DAR. Approximately 130 women in our history have been invited into that remarkable group, including Clara Barton, Susan B. Anthony, Eleanor Roosevelt, Laura Bush. Every woman served our country in some way. For me, it was through the arts.
So, Mr. President, here is my Thanksgiving message to you. You are the bravest man I have ever seen. My ancestors, I know, are cheering you on. Don’t take these attacks personally, no matter how personal they seem. They are aimed at you, but they are intended for us all. I think you know this. None of us could have known it would be this bad, when we decided to drain the Swamp. But, it is. You can bear up. We all can. The United States of America, and its Constitution will stand.
Again, I am profoundly thankful for you. Happy Thanksgiving!”
Thank you so much for your beautifully and perfectly worded message to our president. I am sure that you speak for millions of us in your message. Thank you!
Lee, this message brought tears to my eyes – a message that I believe many feel but are afraid to voice because of the hostile world we now live in. Congratulations on your well-deserved induction. I admire your courage to just Say It so eloquently.