Remember, we are trying to triangulate and find the real life “Samir,” the fictitious villain of “White King and the Doctor.” In the last part, I was tracking along a line relevant to the Russia Collusion Investigation.
Well, changing perspective slightly, and looking at attacks upon the President, and the policies of the President, I found some connections you will want to note. I’m just going to lay out the “cast of characters” that keep cropping up, which I believe connect the dots. These people, and who they work with and for, also lead to The Democracy Integrity Project.
One of the other most emotional times for Americans this past year was the confirmation hearing of Judge Kavanaugh, and the accusations made by Christine Blasey Ford. Regardless of your political beliefs and who you support, please pay attention here. If you know the Rule of Law, and Due Process, you know something went radically wrong. So, here’s the cast of characters involved in that play:
Michael Bromwich, who is a former Inspector General for Bill Clinton, and who prosecuted Oliver North, now represents former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe, who has been fired, and who is likely under criminal investigation. He has another illustrious client as well–Christine Blasey Ford. That is an odd intersection of interests.
In addition, David Laufman, former Deputy Attorney General for Counter-Intelligence–and one of the lawyers, along with Peter Strzok, who interviewed Hillary Clinton in the email investigation–represents Monica McClean, Christine Blasey Ford’s best friend who allegedly helped her put together her letter that started the Kavanaugh debacle.
You can probably guess what her former profession was. Ms. McClean is a former FBI Investigator and Public Affairs person. That is Public Relations related, and she currently runs a Public Relations and Consulting Firm in Washington, DC. She and Laufman also run in the circle of Strzok, and Bruce Ohr, one of the top 4 DOJ execs.
This is a cozy little group, isn’t it? Roads are leading to “Rome.” So, how does Daniel J. Jones fit in? He is the former top aide to Senator Diane Feinstein, through whom the Blasey Ford letter was leaked, He was a Clinton volunteer back in the day, who graduated to–you guessed it–FBI Investigator, specializing in International Investigations and Counter-Intelligence.
Not only was he trusted by Senator Feinstein, but he was trusted by Senator John McCain. We are almost at “Rome.”
Jones started The Democracy Integrity Project in 2017 and it feeds information/disinformation about investigations and dirt to the national media, to Congressional investigators–the folks members of Congress rely upon and trust to give them accurate information so they can fulfill their Constitutional duties–and to Federal Law Enforcement. I believe the briefings are daily. (Remember: Garbage In, Garbage Out)
He has apparently hired Glenn Simpson, Christopher Steele, Fusion GPS. Clapper and Brennan I am quite sure are in the mix since they were linked to the dissemination of the Steele Dossier to Congressmen and women, the Media, and to the FBI.
I will leave it to you to discover for yourself who initially and probably now still funds the organization, which is listed as a non-profit. Google it. It’s chilling.
You will find “Samir” camouflaged somewhere in the world of Daniel Jones, in my humble opinion. He (or she) will be a public relations and spin guy, He will be in the shadows, hiding in plain sight much like I theorized Ayman Al-Zawahiri was hiding in Switzerland, using a double identity as Phillipe Monet, philanthropist and humanitarian. Look for someone in this merry bunch who may be linked to International Humanitarian or Human Rights Organizations. He will be US educated, from Princeton, Yale, Harvard, or some other Ivy League School. He is not an ideologue. He is driven totally by power, money, and the love of destruction. But he talks a good game! His target is the United States itself. He is accepted as trustworthy by all of this bunch.
And, Director Brennan, for all those who think you are in up to your eyeballs in seditious behavior yourself, you should look especially closely. Because, “Samir” is your “handler–” whether you know it or not. You may have masterminded the Russian Hoax, but someone is masterminding you. Someone much smarter than you. You should start looking around.
All roads lead to “Rome.” ” Samir’s” there. His first two Propaganda Warfare hoaxes have proven stunning. The first one led the US into a 16-year-long war. The second one almost overthrew the President of the United States, nearly taking down the Presidency. So, what’s next on “Samir’s” mind? That question keeps me on my toes. Other people have and will continue to investigate and sort out the sordid details of what happened here in the United States in the last few years. I am not the one to do that. My theories are the speculations of a fiction writer who writes about modern history. But, before you dismiss fiction writers, relying only on the non-fiction “research” which led to this travesty, you should remind yourself we all would have been better off to have listened to Tom Clancy. In at least two of his novels, he nailed what happened to us.
My writing style is different from Clancy, but I have been compared to him. That’s humbling. Actually, I am just an American writer–a descendant of a Patriot in the American Revolution– who is acting like a sleuth, ferreting out some real vermin.
We all need to be patriots now, I think. I am always an optimist. And I know these people lose in the end. So, the road may be bumpy right now, but as you can see a lot of these “characters” have been screwing up our Republic for quite some time with their delusional, ambitious games. Newsflash: they lose!
I have been faithfully following the trail you’ve laid out, Lee. It may sound funny to say, but it is “entertaining,” and I don’t mean that to trivialize the content. It is exciting, riveting, depressing, but also captures the mind as good book or movie might. No attention anywhere else. Just on your every word, interrupted only by trying to imagine your personal journey of discovery, uncovering things “in plain sight.”
Thank you hardly seems enough. I will encourage others to follow suit and be part of the discovery process, because we all need to know what the hell is going on so we can contemplate how to proceed and….how to win!!