Category Archives: Abuse of Power

California–the Prototype for the Nation

Published / by Lee Kessler / 1 Comment on California–the Prototype for the Nation

When I arrived in California in the 1970’s as an idealistic and enthusiastic young actress, I remember how enamored I was with the beautiful state, and Los Angeles itself. Intellectuals in New York used to disparage Los Angeles, claiming pridefully that artists in Los Angeles were just wannabes, and that the real creative genius of our country lay undisputedly in New York City. Artists almost had to apologize for being from Los Angeles if they wanted to be taken seriously.

Alas, all has changed now, however. The ever-expanding totalitarian creep that has permeated all of our foundational institutions–education, family, religion, justice– has taken root in California, flourishing there at a breathtaking pace, and setting the example for the rest of the United States. That example, in my opinion, will ruin us all. Once called the “land of fruits and nuts” California has now risen to become the “prototype for all social and environmental experiments in the United States.”

If the news is to be believed, California proudly leads the country in its dictatorial, invasive, unfair policies aimed at its citizens. These are almost too numerous to mention and have been addressed in depth by those covering the exodus of Californians to other freer states.

However, I have a word of warning for all who think they are escaping the repressive policies. You are not. This horror show will be “coming to a theater near you” very soon. Whoever has set the vision for the United States in the future–and it has been set, make no mistake–have chosen all new things to be tested in California first. If successful there, no matter how outrageous it seems to you, it will be exported to other states. One by one, states will succumb to the cancer of socialism. And I predict you will see ignorant or complicit leadership gleefully embrace policies that, in the end, could impoverish us all, and enslave us all.

For example, many of you probably read about the ban on all new gas-powered cars in California by 2035. Whether the citizen wants it or not, whether the citizen can afford it or not, he will have to buy electric vehicles if he wants a new car, struggle to find gas for his old car, or bicycle around. You may have thought that idea was ridiculous and won’t catch hold. Wrong! Even before it has been implemented fully, California’s reputation for being the place where all “progressive” innovations, and forward-thinking ideas flourish is causing other states to salivate. Just a few months after Newsom announced this new blatant interference with free commerce, free choice of the consumer, and is leading his people like sheep to the alter of the Climate God, New York has apparently announced they will do the same. Why? Because all these “bright ideas” are tested first in the Golden State, and then can roll out elsewhere. That is the definition of a prototype.

Take also the guaranteed minimum income of $1000/month that is starting as a test project for three years in parts of Los Angeles. Heated debate is going on about the effects of such a thing on the taxpayer/producer, and on the unsuspecting person who receives something he didn’t earn. No better way to make a person weak than to treat him as if he cannot produce. Yet they are doing just that. Many of you may have already scoffed at that idea, shaking your heads in dismay. Well, that too is “coming to a theater near you.” Cook County in Illinois suddenly says it wants to do the same thing. They may be a bit more timid than Los Angeles, though. They are only offering $500/month to those whose hopes and dreams will be destroyed by being labeled unable to succeed. Once again, before the prototype has even been thoroughly tested, it is being embraced.

In the medical area, you may have read that the bill passed in California and has been signed by the Governor that punishes physicians for advice and guidance they give to patients, if that advice does not align with the “approved science” of the WOKE and ignorant. See the NY Times, Aug. 29. Nothing like some bureaucrat who probably never even took an advanced science class to be dictating to doctors what they can and cannot recommend to their patients. Forget the doctor’s oath; forget the doctor/patient confidentiality. Medical professionals can now be disciplined by the “state” for doing what they were trained to do: observe, diagnose, evaluate, recommend, and treat the individual in front of them.

How long do you think it will be before another state decides to create such legislation? Who wants to take bets on who it will be? Are you living in that state right now?

I have a message for those fleeing California. It might be better to “defund” the lunatics who create these social justice and environmental prototypes, lest you move to another state, only to find the cancer has spread there too.

So, to my friends around this great country–especially in New York and Washington, DC: Don’t underestimate California. Do not ignore the disgusting, repressive ideas they come up with, and put into policy and practice. If the prototype works in accomplishing their goal, it will roll out. The citizens are losing their freedom to choose. They are losing their hard-earned income, witnessing the beginning of the redistribution of their money under the guise of “social justice” and “fairness.” And the medical professionals will surrender their ethics and integrity, or risk losing their ability to honestly practice their profession.

Just as in the justice system, once a precedent has been established, it carries forward and becomes the justification for future rulings. Make no mistake. This is California’s role in the brave new world I write about in my novels. They are the testing lab for an enslaving future. If you want to know what is planned for your state, look to California. What a nickname, huh? “California–the prototype for the nation.”

To learn more about all these issues and how to influence them, go to for fictionalized truth in the “White King Series,” OR to for my political Blogs.


Published / by Lee Kessler / 1 Comment on THE GREAT DIVERSION

On Aug. 8, 2022, the Media, the Congress, and We the People took the bait. We fell for the diversion, and are still mesmerized by it. The FBI raid on former President Trump’s residence–unprecedented, and likely completely unwarranted though it was– was just a diversion.

Would the raid have happened anyway? Yes, most likely given the repugnant and inflammatory tone of American politics these days. In reality, this heinous act will be resolved legally and politically, and we all know that. But just as people gawk as they drive by accidents on the highway, and just they are drawn to impending train wrecks like moths to a flame, so too were we on the morning of Aug. 8. drawn in.

Perhaps it is because I write political suspense novels inspired by current events, but my eye turned immediately to what was missing on that day, not what was blatantly covered wall to wall by all Media. Another drama was setting up. This one will effect us all much more profoundly, and for a much longer period of time.

Here’s the real attack, in my opinion. I was aware there was a full court press in the Senate to pass the Inflation Reduction Act, and I learned they were working through the night Sunday. In the wee hours of Monday, Aug. 8, the Senate passed that bill–sneaking it through before the CBO report would come out Monday morning. They obviously knew the report was going to show that the act would not reduce inflation. And they wanted it passed before the Press or the American people started to dig into the CBO report, and begin calling their Congressmen and women. Ask yourself, who passes something without knowing what the impact of that something will be or will not be? Are they a fool, an incompetent? Or just plain malevolent.

The report did come out Monday morning, and just as I was listening to the beginning reporting on it, everything was interrupted by Breaking News about the FBI raid at Mar-a Lago–also done in the wee hours. Once news of that broke, all reporting shifted to the political aspects of what had happened. Coverage has predominantly stayed focused in that direction. As a writer of prophetic political fiction, I believe the raid on the Trump residence was timed to mitigate the fall-out of the CBO report. That bill had only passed the Senate. It needed to pass the House, and if constituents had time to hear about the report, digest some of the report, and contact their representatives, some Democrats might have broken ranks and defeated it.

However, under cover of the massive attention-grabbing diversion of the flashing blue lights and dozens of people entering the famed Mar-a-Lago, Speaker Pelosi could quietly go about her business of getting the vote on the Inflation Reduction Act. On Aug. 15, it passed and,having been signed by the President, is now law.

Attention periodically gets pointed to the innards of that bill which includes the massive funding of the IRS, and the adding of tens of thousands of new IRS agents. Once passed, however, nothing can stop that sneak attack. If you think the abuse of power exercised against Donald J. Trump was bad, just wait to you experience the abuse of power the IRS can and will levy against YOU.

Pretty slick, huh? Stage a provocative diversion, and then sneak the bill through, with the camouflaged IRS expansion visible, but never presented front and center to the American people. Our representatives did not give us any time to review the bill, weigh in on what we liked and didn’t like, and potentially stop something we felt was very dangerous in the short and long run. No, they just rammed it down your throats while you were arguing whether or not the DOJ was engaged in an abuse of power regarding President Trump.

Media and pundits are sounding the alarm now. They are right to do so. But, they are too late. We took the bait. We diverted our attention away from something that effects every American directly and immediately.

Now also do you begin to understand why the warrant, which was gained under the pretext that it was SO URGENT that a full-scale seizure had to occur, was not executed until Monday morning in the wee hours? It is not a conspiracy theory to recognize that the timing of that was to insure it was a diversion, and that no one would really read or appreciate a dry accounting report when they had the more salacious Media circus to watch. Common sense tells you that if it were that urgent they would have executed it Friday. Why Monday? And why just as or before the CBO report came out to warn the American people that all was not as it seemed in the numbers, and the deceptive name of the Bill?

We the People are now in the sad cross hairs of an agency that can invade your privacy without a warrant. They can attack at will. Once again, the American citizen can be viewed as “guilty by accusation.” They can snoop, seize assets, demand documents and proof, and take your “treasure.” Anyone who has ever had a sudden and unexpected audit knows exactly what I am referring to, and how intimidating the process can be for the normal, honest American.

What’s wrong with a government agency whose very return address on the envelope causes one to quake? You know what I am talking about!

We took the bait. And we were reeled in.


Published / by Lee Kessler / 3 Comments on THE DESCENT INTO HELL


It has been said that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. That may be true in many cases. But there is one path to Hell that is absolute. It is the path which takes otherwise sane, prosperous societies down into bondage and despair. It is the destroyer of all civilized people.

It is no respecter of persons. It matters not whether you are Democrat or Republican, who you voted for in 2020, whether you were at the Jan. 6 Rally, what pronouns you use. Once you set foot on this path, we are all equal, and we are all united in our descent.

One of the blessings of living in the United States, with a Constitutional Republic as our form of government, is that we are a nation of laws and due process. It was intended that all of us–no matter our status in life–would have equal protection under the law. And that we would be self-governing. Many of us have fought hard over time to live up to that intention.

Now, some 240 plus years after our founding, we have not just begun that dangerous descent, but rather we are well on our way. In a nation that cherishes law and order, and reason, each of us as citizens has a responsibility to uphold the law as it exists–or change it if it is wrong. Legally change it.

To do otherwise is to commence a descent into Hell. Here is the path. If you see a law you do not like, you work to change it in America. You do not break it. You LAWFULLY change it. If each of us can break any law we are in disagreement with, or ignore any court ruling we disagree with, then we descend into Lawlessness–a free for all.

Lawlessness, especially when driven by emotions such as hatred and fear, renders all of us vulnerable, as there can be no order when there is no respect for the law and due process, and no respect for the good people the laws protect.

Pervasive and capricious lawlessness descends into Anarchy. Every citizen is now the judge, jury, and executioner of not just the Rule of Law, but sadly even of their fellow countrymen. Individual whim, driven by base and out-of-control emotion, drives the citizens further down the path. One only has to look at the ever-expanding lawlessness in the United States that is going unanswered by the justice system to know that those responsible for protecting us have surrendered to the mob known as Anarchy.

My friends, Anarchy does not care about your Vaccination card. It does not stop its plundering to check it. It does not check your political beliefs and contributions. It does not care about your education and number of followers on Social Media. Like lava flowing from a volcano, it destroys everything in its path.

Anarchy has one–and only one–final outcome. Totalitarianism. In the presence of an out of control citizenry where honest men and women do not have rights, and live in fear of the prairie fire of Anarchy, governments–and misguided men–love to step in and “save everyone” by a complete and authoritarian hand. Bringing order once again, the citizenry is at first grateful for the authoritarianism, albeit heavy-handed. Soon, however, it becomes clear that the price for order imposed by those in charge was our freedom.

And the new regime will not let go. Having total control, they have given you the peace and calm you desired. The price for this New Order? SLAVERY.

And slavery–in our world today–is known as HELL. The descent into Hell is simple to plot. We were once a free people, who valued the Rule of Law and who worked to change it when injustices occurred or persisted. But, in the last few years, it has become justifiable to break the law, even encouraged. And from there we descended into accepted lawlessness. From there we have descended into pockets of anarchy. The totalitarian is waiting. In many areas of our country, he has already “saved you.”

You may not know you are trapped yet, and that a special brand of Hell has been developed for you. But, somewhere in our great land someone close to you is now living in Hell because you allowed people to break laws, rather than change them. And that began a descent that will inevitably suck you in as well if it is not checked.

The way out? Determined, courageous, self-less actions that stop the lawlessness by returning to the Constitution and its Rule of Law. Insistence upon Due Process. Insistence upon “innocent until proven guilty.” Insistence that an accusation alone does not mean guilt. Insistence upon intellectual integrity and curiosity, not Pavlov’s Dog-type reactions to every upsetting incident and gossip and slander. Insistence upon righting a wrong by changing any law that is wrong.

My friends, we either keep the power in our hands, where our ancestors fought and died to put it, or we surrender it into the hands of those who would be Totalitarians. Their residence? Hell.

The Path to Hell:

Law and Order

Breaking laws you disagree with–large or small–with impunity, Violating Court Orders you disagree with, Failure to work within the law to right the wrong

Lawlessness breaks out as a free-for-all begins

Anarchy ensues as the lawlessness spreads

Totalitarianism begins as the solution

Freedom dies.

This is the true road to Hell. And each one of us can stop it. Will you join me? for all archived Blogs for information about the author and her political fiction


Published / by Lee Kessler / 3 Comments on IT’S NOT TRUMP THEY HATE

On January 7, 2021 I was driving home to Florida after the January 6th Rally in Washington, DC.  Not one to normally listen to talk radio, I did that day. I was still in shock from the disconnect in the news between what tens of thousands of us experienced, and what the news was reporting.  And I was trying to put together the pieces for myself—and release the sadness that had gripped me, at the same time bracing myself for the vilification of all of us that would likely come.

Whatever talk show I had tuned into, I don’t even remember the host’s name.   But one thing a woman caller said—an insightful evaluation she made—struck me that day, and has remained with me ever since.  It was so powerful that the seed it planted gave rise to the solution I wrote in the novel “White King and the Seat at the Table.” I did not even know that day I would be writing a novel about our current global free-fall, let alone be directed in my looking and research by something a complete stranger said to an unknown talk show host.

Here’s what she said to the man.  She was trying to tell him that she didn’t like being told that she and others like her were just “Trump,” following in the “Trump Cult.”  In a brilliant analysis, she explained to the smart but cocky radio show celebrity that all the media and pundits had it wrong in their characterization of Trump’s supporters. “We are not Trump.  We are not mindless people trying to be ‘Trump.’ Trump is us. That’s why we love him.”

And in those simple sentences this ordinary American citizen put her finger on why 75 million Americans voted for him, and why his supporters still stay united and determined.  You may not understand this, but his supporters do.  Trump took the time to listen to the citizens of this country—no matter what party or status in life they were in.  He clearly identified with the people, and people in turn came to love him.

I don’t think the elites in Washington or anywhere else truly understand what a Populist is.  He was one of us.  Wealthier, sure.  More influential, sure.  But he possessed a stunning empathy and respect for the greatness of the American people.  We are not a weak people to be governed on behalf of.   We are the people who give consent to those who govern.  In the halls of universities, in Congress, in think tanks and in cable news networks, they don’t really seem to understand that fact.  Trump reflected the values and wishes of the American people.  Not the other way around.

But there are those who fueled hatred toward the President from the very beginning.  The attacks we all know were 24/7 and were brutally punishing and disruptive to a man who was simply trying to serve–every day in every way–the American People.  He truly put us first—whether we voted for him or not.

Far worse though is this:  there are enemies of our Constitutional Republic who do understand what I just said.  Though their attacks were aimed directly at him, these people clearly understood that he was us. It was you and I—Americans all—that they were attacking.  He was just the man in the middle who was willing to take the blows.

So, although you might have missed it, and despite all the bellowing from the mountain tops, it is not Trump that the world’s elites hate.  It is us.  If you want to know why his “base” is remaining so solid, I think it is because we realized long ago that one man can’t be such a lightning rod for hate.  He’s not.  He’s the shield in front of the real target.  On a gut level we know that we are the hated ones.   We are the target.  We are the ones who have to be silenced and stopped.  And we love the man who was willing to stand up for us, as one of us.

It is the values of the American People, the talents of the American People, the brilliance and work ethic of the American people that very real enemies hate.  Those who would reduce this country to a lawless tyranny and end our form of government don’t really care what party you are in—what jersey you wear.  They care about their own power globally.  And we the people are the only thing standing in the way of their authoritarian vision for the future.

We have far more that unites us than divides us no matter what the relentless propagandizing of the Media pounds us with daily.  Fortunately there is hope.  These people are so stupid that they believe we are mindless cult followers—with no vision of our own.  They believe we are Trump and can be dumped on the same trash heap they want to dump him on.  But they are wrong.  They are blind.  We are who the American people have always been, and Donald J. Trump is one of us.  He exemplifies us.

So, the next time you are tempted to join in the Trump bashing, echoing their cliched criticisms, just remember it is not Trump they hate.   It is you.  What they say about him is how they feel about you.  They know he reflects you.  We do not reflect him. And the enemies of our Republic, both foreign and domestic, just can’t abide the American People.  It is just that simple.


For more from Lee Kessler go to the Incoming Tomatoes Blog at

And to learn about the latest novel in the White King Series go to

When Do I Get Paroled?

Published / by Lee Kessler / Leave a Comment

In a country of laws and Due Process, the criminal—after he is arrested, tried, convicted, and sentenced–knows how long his sentence is, and, most importantly, when he will be eligible for parole.  If he is good, and behaves himself, he can reenter the society at the time of parole.

So, here is my question. HOW LONG DO I HAVE TO BE HEALTHY AND NOT GET COVID BEFORE I AM PAROLED?  Is it 2 years (already passed)?   Is it 5?  Is it until I am 90?  If I am still Covid-free when I die, will you parole me posthumously?  Will you even consider the tiniest possibility that you were perhaps wrong, or misinformed yourself? 

You may ask, paroled from what?  From excoriation, discrimination, ridicule, censorship, and exclusion from the freedoms I once had.  And what am I guilty of?   Being healthy!   And, being scientifically curious!

Under Due Process also, the inmate gets to appeal his conviction.   He gets to challenge whether he was fairly and honestly convicted. New evidence may surface and be presented. My fellow countrymen, you know the drill here.  So, here is my question—on behalf of millions of us.  WHY CAN’T WE ASK QUESTIONS ABOUT THE VIRUS, AND ITS ORIGINS—IF FOR NO OTHER REASON THAN FOR PREVENTION IN THE FUTURE?  Why can’t we have questions about vaccines? Why can’t we favor therapeutics over vaccines like we do with most other diseases?

The bottom line is that intellectual curiosity is warranted.  It is the American thing.  Intellectual integrity demands it. That too is an American thing.  No one can trust self-proclaimed authorities who lack intellectual integrity.  No one.

So what do you say?  Parole your fellow Americans and start talking to one another.   Start asking honest questions.  And demand honest answers from those “authorities.”  That too is the American thing.