It has been said that the road to Hell is paved with good intentions. That may be true in many cases. But there is one path to Hell that is absolute. It is the path which takes otherwise sane, prosperous societies down into bondage and despair. It is the destroyer of all civilized people.
It is no respecter of persons. It matters not whether you are Democrat or Republican, who you voted for in 2020, whether you were at the Jan. 6 Rally, what pronouns you use. Once you set foot on this path, we are all equal, and we are all united in our descent.
One of the blessings of living in the United States, with a Constitutional Republic as our form of government, is that we are a nation of laws and due process. It was intended that all of us–no matter our status in life–would have equal protection under the law. And that we would be self-governing. Many of us have fought hard over time to live up to that intention.
Now, some 240 plus years after our founding, we have not just begun that dangerous descent, but rather we are well on our way. In a nation that cherishes law and order, and reason, each of us as citizens has a responsibility to uphold the law as it exists–or change it if it is wrong. Legally change it.
To do otherwise is to commence a descent into Hell. Here is the path. If you see a law you do not like, you work to change it in America. You do not break it. You LAWFULLY change it. If each of us can break any law we are in disagreement with, or ignore any court ruling we disagree with, then we descend into Lawlessness–a free for all.
Lawlessness, especially when driven by emotions such as hatred and fear, renders all of us vulnerable, as there can be no order when there is no respect for the law and due process, and no respect for the good people the laws protect.
Pervasive and capricious lawlessness descends into Anarchy. Every citizen is now the judge, jury, and executioner of not just the Rule of Law, but sadly even of their fellow countrymen. Individual whim, driven by base and out-of-control emotion, drives the citizens further down the path. One only has to look at the ever-expanding lawlessness in the United States that is going unanswered by the justice system to know that those responsible for protecting us have surrendered to the mob known as Anarchy.
My friends, Anarchy does not care about your Vaccination card. It does not stop its plundering to check it. It does not check your political beliefs and contributions. It does not care about your education and number of followers on Social Media. Like lava flowing from a volcano, it destroys everything in its path.
Anarchy has one–and only one–final outcome. Totalitarianism. In the presence of an out of control citizenry where honest men and women do not have rights, and live in fear of the prairie fire of Anarchy, governments–and misguided men–love to step in and “save everyone” by a complete and authoritarian hand. Bringing order once again, the citizenry is at first grateful for the authoritarianism, albeit heavy-handed. Soon, however, it becomes clear that the price for order imposed by those in charge was our freedom.
And the new regime will not let go. Having total control, they have given you the peace and calm you desired. The price for this New Order? SLAVERY.
And slavery–in our world today–is known as HELL. The descent into Hell is simple to plot. We were once a free people, who valued the Rule of Law and who worked to change it when injustices occurred or persisted. But, in the last few years, it has become justifiable to break the law, even encouraged. And from there we descended into accepted lawlessness. From there we have descended into pockets of anarchy. The totalitarian is waiting. In many areas of our country, he has already “saved you.”
You may not know you are trapped yet, and that a special brand of Hell has been developed for you. But, somewhere in our great land someone close to you is now living in Hell because you allowed people to break laws, rather than change them. And that began a descent that will inevitably suck you in as well if it is not checked.
The way out? Determined, courageous, self-less actions that stop the lawlessness by returning to the Constitution and its Rule of Law. Insistence upon Due Process. Insistence upon “innocent until proven guilty.” Insistence that an accusation alone does not mean guilt. Insistence upon intellectual integrity and curiosity, not Pavlov’s Dog-type reactions to every upsetting incident and gossip and slander. Insistence upon righting a wrong by changing any law that is wrong.
My friends, we either keep the power in our hands, where our ancestors fought and died to put it, or we surrender it into the hands of those who would be Totalitarians. Their residence? Hell.
The Path to Hell:
Law and Order
Breaking laws you disagree with–large or small–with impunity, Violating Court Orders you disagree with, Failure to work within the law to right the wrong
Lawlessness breaks out as a free-for-all begins
Anarchy ensues as the lawlessness spreads
Totalitarianism begins as the solution
Freedom dies.
This is the true road to Hell. And each one of us can stop it. Will you join me? for all archived Blogs for information about the author and her political fiction
Brilliant . Thank you for your unsight.
Excellent Reading. Will share. Wish I could send this to every Public School Teacher in California.
As a Brit this makes interesting and slightly reassuring reading. I really don’t think most American’s (save for the enclaves of the East Coast & the West Coast) have any comprehension how they are seen by most Europeans. Mores the point we can see demonstratively that they really don’t care and see the USA as the centre of the universe. It is incomprehensible to most Europeans that elements of your constitution that were written in 1787 and no doubt highly relevant to that era and are now totally out of date and positively dangerous to your society are not only are allowed to stand but are defended vigorously by the majority of the population. I wish you all the luck at your attempts in reform. I sadly think you are trying to push very large volumes of water up a very steep hill!