Some years back when I was living in Los Angeles, I heard a liberal black civil rights attorney being interviewed about some case, and the journalist wanted him to weigh in.
I had heard his name before, and knew he was a prominent trial attorney, specializing in civil rights cases, and also a talk radio host. So, I listened. Now, understand that Leo Terrell and I would not likely agree on much–or so I thought. But, I remember distinctly saying to myself, “Well, if I ever get into trouble and need an attorney, I would want Leo Terrell to defend me!”
The reason? His obvious passion, which I felt however was accompanied by a keen intellect, and knowledge of the law. But, more important, I felt he had a strong personal integrity. He was who he appeared to be. He yelled a lot, but he was no self-serving faker. His emotion was not righteous indignation whipped up to get camera time. I felt it was true “righteous indignation.” Whatever the issue, I sensed he believed every word he was saying, and that he would stand behind his words.
Bottom line, I trusted him, even if I did not particularly like him. His style is so very different from my own. His politics so very different from my own. The world he operates in so very different from my own.
Yet, still, he is the one oddly enough I felt could best represent me, if I needed a fierce and compassionate advocate. Fortunately, I have not needed Leo Terrell’s services.
But, today, our nation needs him. So, my friends, if you want to know about Black Lives Matter–who they really are, and what they are really doing–I am going to direct you to Leo Terrell. I will let him do my talking for me. And I will let him tell you how he feels about the men and women in blue–the 98 percent. He has dealt with them for decades.
This way, you can’t dismiss the information as the misguided prattle of a “white privileged, systemically racist” veteran actress and author. (Just a little ironic humor there.) You, too, may find that you have a lot more in common with Leo Terrell than you ever dreamed–especially if you are principled and consistent. Most especially if you know your history.