He Took the Bait

By now, many of you have figured out that either there is something about this Wuhan Virus that we don’t know about–so sinister that it requires shutting down the total economy of the United States and other nations as well, risking a global economic depression--or that somebody with an agenda went fishing, hoping to reel in the President of the United States.

Personally, I suspect the latter. If you know anything about Donald Trump through the years, and have not just been brainwashed by media hype about him, you know he has had a reputation his whole life for being very compassionate. He is renowned for, before running for office, reading about some travail of an American citizen, or seeing something on the television about someone who was struggling, and contacting them directly to solve their problem.

Anyone who is actually watching the daily briefings on this crisis can see that he sincerely struggles with the death of any American. Two days ago, when Dr. Birx was answering a reporter’s question, she inserted into her answer–as she often does–a personal anecdote. She stated that she too had been personally effected when her granddaughter last week had a 105 degree temperature, and she, though a physician, could not go to her because of the strict policies, and her commitment to the country and to The Task Force.

The news reporter may not have had their eyes open, but the camera reveals things. The President was standing to her right, and behind her, and he was clearly surprised at her story. When the reporter challenged with his next question, the President’s attention was clearly still on Dr. Birx. “How is your grandson?” Once reassured that it was her grand-daughter and that she was OK, he returned his attention to the press conference.

Look up for yourself what he personally did when he heard that his friend, the Prime Minister of Great Britain, had been moved to intensive care in a London hospital two days ago.

He is also apparently a self-admitted bit of a germaphobe. He’s been accused unjustly of being just about every other kind of “phobe.” But, this is one he jokes about because he washed his hands constantly long before the Wuhan Virus reared its ugly head.

Those two ingredients–innate compassion, and high sensitivity to germ’s potential–became a sort of Achilles Heel. After 4 years of relentless hounding and frontal attacks, and the man still standing strong, his Achilles Heel had been found.

That made it easy for people (and you are going to have to ferret this out for yourself) to persuade him to literally turn off the entire economy in one stroke, send almost all Americans home from work, and force us into lockdown, afraid. The case I am sure was very compelling, backed up by “experts” out the wazoo, who caused the President to take even more drastic actions than he already had. He took the bait.

And, I believe that less than two weeks ago, he realized he had been ill-served and misled, and that the extremity of our actions would in the end perhaps save some lives, but it would destroy the economy for some months, if not years. It could destroy the lives and livelihoods of tens of millions of people.

When I heard him declare that he could not have the “cure be worse than the disease,” I knew he realized he had been conned. (The virus is real, and it can kill. That is not the point.) The chosen solution–driven by his desire to keep Americans safe–was in fact going to put more of us in jeopardy for a longer period of time than the disease itself.

He’s a smart man, and he will extricate himself and us from this. But, the question you should be asking yourselves is: Who wanted this? Who did this? Don’t go shallow on your analysis. Don’t lean on past clichés, with answers like “Pelosi and the Democrats.” Frankly they are not smart enough. If you have read my “White King and the Doctor” you know the three dimensional chess game the hero, Andy Weir, was playing with a real-life, real-threat enemy. And, you will discover who were the “pawns.” No matter how much Pelosi, Schiff and Schumer–or any other of your favorite political villains–storm and strut about the stage, they are the pawns of a very real group.

So, ask yourself who benefits if we tank and the American people are returned to poverty? Who benefits if the middle class, which was being rebuilt by Trump’s policies, is suppressed once again? Who benefits if Americans are afraid of hidden attackers like this virus?

Years ago, a wise business mentor of mine, when he was attempting to expose to a young, naïve woman the threats to prosperity and security, said to me, “It’s always about money, Lee. Follow the money.”

And, I have. Pulling on that string led to “White King and the Battle of America: the Endgame.” Just know there is a group that benefits from all wars–always has and always will.

So, follow the money, and ask yourself, “Who benefits?” The answer ties up all the myriad attack lines, actual conspiracies, chaos, confusion, and divisive subjugation tactics of the last four years into one neat, tidy, understandable and breathtakingly simple package.

Tip: Don’t rely upon the Media to do this for you. They lack neither the intellect, nor the intellectual curiosity to do that great a service for their fellow countrymen. Nope, they drank the Kool Aid long ago.

Hint: Though they operate with tentacles and surrogates inside the United States, they are not based in the United States.

2 thoughts on “He Took the Bait

    1. Lee Kessler Post author

      I appreciate your questions. I need to let you know that I do not open any attachments or links, as a general practice. Not that I don’t trust you as a source, but rather I don’t trust what tracking or even infections can be in a link. With Facebook, everything we do is monitored. But, let’s do a call, and chat. It would be good to talk. And, to answer your question, yes, he can win, but if the House does not switch to Republican, then we will have 4 more years of travesties and investigations and efforts to destroy. On the economy, he knows what to do, and you know the Media will oppose every move. We will have to bring the economy back. Help small businesses to stay up and hiring. We’ll talk more about that.


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