Category Archives: Military Strategies

The Greatest Diversion Ever!

Published / by Lee Kessler / 1 Comment on The Greatest Diversion Ever!

Hey, Director John Brennan, the “Bloodhound” is closing in now. The world may have been distracted by the China virus–a very real-world, real-threat situation. It may have been distracted by America burning, and the seemingly relentless nights of anarchy and violence in the name of social justice.

People are struggling to wrap their wits around something that is supposed to be peaceful, righteous, and motivated toward an end of equal justice, when their cities and streets explode with Molotov cocktails, broken glass, shattered statues, vandalism, theft, physical assault, and even murder. Unless one is brain dead or a sociopath, the words “social justice” and this mayhem don’t jive.

But, it sure has created a diversion for you and your cohorts to elude a true American “equal justice under the law.” Media eyes are on explosions and blood. America’s eyes are on the same. That is a great military strategy to provide cover, and potential escape.

“The Bloodhound,” however, has never taken his eyes off from you.

My friends, daily now for some time, declassified material–actual documents, notes, sworn testimony, government files–have been released to the public for you to read and understand the reality of an attempted coup. Yes, that is what it will likely be called. A conspiracy to overthrow a duly elected President of the United States. You were more than misled, my fellow Americans. You were outright lied to and deceived.

Now, that is a scandal. That is a crisis. These other “distractions”–albeit mighty ones–will pass. And if you truly love your country and freedom, you should be more than just dismissive or disdainful of this, more than just mildly interested in it. You should feel your hair stand up on end, and you should have trouble sleeping at night.

Because, while we all have sacrificed for our fellow countrymen in order to save lives, while we all have maintained extraordinary restraint in the face of nightly bullying by rampaging mobs, a group of men and women tried to steal your government.

They are still trying. Their names are all known now. I have been writing about them for two years to get you prepared for the reality of what you are about to have to face. The Media may not want to cover it. They long ago ceased to be News, and have turned into social activists and political activists. One established and renowned journalistic empire will likely be listed among the people who advanced the coup. You may want to deny it, and drive yourself batty in doing so. But, when these documents start showing up in a court of law–criminal and civil– as evidence, and juries are being selected, and the prosecutors or plaintiffs open their case, it is going to become staggeringly real to you.

No longer a parlor game, or material for Twitter wars, and the rantings of uninformed celebrities and politicians as they dismiss facts and embrace “anonymous” gossip, this is going to be VERY REAL.

‘The Bloodhound”, as I like to refer to him, has likely found evidence and connected dots in the UK, Canada, Australia, Italy, the Ukraine, possibly Russia, and sadly the good ol’ USA–in the Media, Government Agencies like the State Department, the Justice Department, possibly the Defense Department, and the Treasury Department, and in the halls of Congress.

We’ve stood up to Covid-19. We are standing up to anarchists masquerading as saints. We will stand up to this.

Once, more than two years ago, you, Mr. Brennan, looked straight into the camera and threatened the President of the United States. Well, it’s your turn now, sir. Truth has a way of surfacing. And traitors have a way of turning on each other. Your words, “Stay tuned…” have boomeranged on you. These diversions will no longer divert the eyes of justice. They will no longer provide you “cover.” Stay tuned…

They’re Back!!

Published / by Lee Kessler / 3 Comments on They’re Back!!

It is the 4th of July, a day of celebration. This is my Independence Day message. Please take heed.

In the late ’60’s I first encountered these folks on the campus of the University of Wisconsin, Madison. While on a fellowship there to receive my MA and PHD if desired, I was an eager and naive young woman from a Christian college in Pennsylvania. I had no idea I was about to come face to face with violent Marxist anarchists.

For you younger folks, this was the height of the Viet Nam War era, and the massive protests against it. Our right to assemble and peaceably protest is part of the First Amendment. Cherish it, but use it wisely. Never let anyone hijack your righteous cause, and exploit it for their less-than-righteous one.

One day, without any warning, a chair came crashing through a plate glass window, dropping a huge sheet of glass mere inches in front of my leg, as I sat in a classroom. I had no idea who the marauders in the hallways were who were vandalizing the building, and jeopardizing the well-being of their supposedly-fellow students. No one seemed to care about what almost happened to me. But, I did. I was an inch away from losing a leg.

In the ensuing weeks and months, Madison, Wisconsin became the most violent campus in America, even surpassing the highly-publicized Berkeley campus. National Guard was called in, and we were under martial law for most of the time I took my degree.

Madison is a state capital, and the rioting, vandalism, looting, and eventually arson spread like a conflagration from the campus, down the main boulevard, to the Capitol building. The damage was so frequent that storekeepers eventually gave up trying to protect their windows and property, and simply boarded up.

Police engagements with rioters were constant and violent. Teargassing was a regular part of my daily walk home from campus to my apartment building. Many a night I risked harm, even from the police, as I violated curfew, walking from theater rehearsals late at night. My naivety was such that I felt that since I was not doing any harm, and since I had come there to get my degree and get on with my life, it would be OK to be out.

One night watching a massive protest march, it was crystal clear to me that, though the students were in the fray with their concerns about the War, they were being egged on and organized into criminal activities by individuals who did not belong on that campus. The agitators escaped the police; the students did not.

Violence tends to escalate like a pandemic unless it is put down. Bombings began. The Krogers market next door to my building was firebombed so artfully that it was gone before the Fire Department got its first truck out. And, the Fire Department was right next door to it! I knew then that these were professional bombers and arsonists–masquerading as concerned citizens who were revulsed by the loss of life in Viet Nam. The issue was real. The issue was valid. But, their agenda was anarchy and power. ( I saw the same type of fire-bombing by the way in the Los Angeles riots after the Rodney King verdict.)

The group, I came to learn, was the Weather Underground. The SDS (Students for a Democratic Society) were like a perverted sister organization. Their game was hatred, violence, and destruction. Their motive: to destroy the existing order of things and replace it with their vision. They graduated into bombing government buildings, banks, and academic institutions.

Sound familiar, my friends? It should. Like predatory grandchildren of anti-American radicals from the past, today’s destroyers carry the name of Antifa, and who knows what else. You will recognize them by their hatred, their desire to tear down, but no real workable solutions. And they prey always upon the goodness of Americans who when they see injustice try to right it. When they see a wrong, they try to fix it. They will infiltrate your legitimate causes. It is their modus operandi.

Sadly, no one speaks of George Floyd anymore. Have you noticed? The man whose death could have triggered legitimate reform and unity, is obscured by those who hate. And make no mistake, my Democrat and Independent friends, they hate you too. It is not a party thing. It is a power thing.

Seizing on the emotions of the moment, anarchists egged on Black Lives Matter, and between the two of them, they have caused chaos in America today. Hijacking a legitimate cause, and using it to gain your empathy and contribution, is their tactic always. They need you to hide behind. These killer professionals know that if they use language that appeals to your innate sense of compassion and high ideals, they can gain your attention, and eventually your complicity.

But they are a wolf in sheep’s clothing, and no good comes of their escapades. They will burn your home too. They will destroy the memory of abolitionist troops and statesmen alike–in the name of racial justice. And, they are counting on your ignorance of history.

Most of today’s agitators are a new generation. Different grievance, different justification for their criminal acts. But, always the same motive: to sow dissent and division, to tear down, to destabilize, and to extort from you whatever they demand. Their game is fear, which they know will paralyze you. I have been told by people too many to count that they are not flying the American flag today out of fear of reprisal!

You need to know that two people–the founders of the Weather Underground–are still here. They took a plea and paid their debt to society years ago, yet they remain to this day unrepentant for what they did.

Their names are Bill Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn. I was victimized by their hellacious tactics back in the day, and you are being victimized by them and their philosophy again today. They’re back! With a new army of thugs! Are they themselves on the streets or war-rooming the simultaneous attacks around the country? I doubt it.

Today’s organizers have learned from them, however. From what they wrote, and what they did. You might want to read what they wrote. It might help you defend yourselves psychologically–and even physically–against their admittedly effective tactics.

Just know that we have faced this before, that the issues may carry different characters’ names and have different story lines, but it is the “same crew.” Those who wish to tear down this nation may change their underwear and their hairstyles, but never their agenda.


We Americans are a good people, and we have built an ever-improving country. We are better today than we were 50 years ago. Better than we were 150 years ago, and better than 250 years ago. We learn from our past. Don’t let anyone take your past from you, no matter what that past was.

Last, be wary of anyone who wants to whip up your emotions and send you out in a stimulus-response mob to “do something.” That, my friends, is a modern-day lynch mob. Thoughtless, raw emotion, directed toward violence, which overrides your reason. Ironic, isn’t it? In the name of black lives, we are “reverse lynching.”

We quelled this in my generation. Now, you will have to do it in yours.

Though I am not a fan of Wikipedia, you will find some interesting reading on the Weather Underground. Read “Prairie Fire: the Politics of Revolutionary Anti-Imperialism” which was their manifesto. Its tenants should cause your skin to crawl, since you hear the same chants (white privilege), and verbiage today. Catchy title, isn’t it? Make sure you note the use of “Prairie Fire.” Look that word up!

While we slumber, in our blissful ignorance of even recent history, today’s mob leaders have been studying diligently–obtaining their PHD in Anarchy and Subversion.

The Black Robes of Judgment

Published / by Lee Kessler / 3 Comments on The Black Robes of Judgment

Almost 40 years ago, my first business mentor used to say, “Take the black robes off…” At first I did not know what he meant. Then I realized he was referencing the black robes that judges wear in courtrooms. And that he was humorously preparing me to receive information or guidance that he knew to be what we would call today “politically incorrect.”

Fortunately for me he knew that even if something isn’t comfortable to talk about, or even if it challenges the current wisdom, and acceptance by the general population, that does not mean it should not be talked about. And further, it does not mean that it is not true.

So, I learned to take off the black robes of judgment and just listen. There were many times when emotions would rise up in me as I did so. There were times when I did not want to listen anymore to him, and wanted to walk away. But, a still small voice within me whispered, “he’s right.”

To admit he was right meant I had to be willing to change. As I did, I affirmed for myself that he had in fact been right all along, and thank God had had the courage to tell me what needed to be said. Much of what I know about government, life, and economics I learned during his talks. The truths have stood the test of time. And each opened the door to more analytical research, and more truths.

He was right. And, I was simply ignorant.

It is time for many Americans to take off the black robes of judgment, settle down their emotions, and stop dramatizing their reactions to current events.

Most of us are sick to death of watching destruction, vandalism, and self-righteous pronouncements and disregard for the rule of law. We have had enough. And that includes having enough of the political establishment.

Hiding behind a good and righteous cause, they have all but obscured the validity of that cause by their disrespect at best, and treachery at worst. In the novel “White King and the Doctor” I laid out what I believed was to be a strategy a very real enemy would use against us all. That strategy was this: take America’s strengths and turn them into weaknesses. Take that First Amendment in particular, with all of its 5 Freedoms, and turn each one into something that actually destroys us and our culture.

Further, I laid out that mind control would be used to get us to turn from righteousness to self-righteousness. And, in so doing, all manner of “crimes” can be committed in the name of “righteousness.”

In our self-righteous zeal we are wiping out all remnants of history that don’t conform with one’s current view of the world–albeit a view formed by people who are still living in their parents’ basements, acting like Rip Van Winkles who just woke up. Regrettably, most are only in their 20’s now, and that would have made them toddlers and kindergartners when they went to sleep. Can we really expect the “woke” children to exercise rational thought?

A nation that does not learn from its history is doomed to repeat it. If a nation’s history is obliterated and erased, it is hard to learn from it. That makes repeating it inevitable.

So, wake up, my “woke” countrymen. Stop defacing and vandalizing anything you take exception to. Take off the black robes of judgment that cause you to override the rule of law, usurping the authority of city and state governments, and even more importantly, the rights of your fellow countrymen. End the tyranny of you in your “wokeness” dictating to your fellow Americans what we can and can not think.

I have a proposal for all of you who think you need to erase reminders of the past in order to never feel uncomfortable about the past. Go to Germany. Look the German people in the eye. Tell Chancellor Angela Merkel that she must tear down Dachau, because it just makes you so emotional and upset, and it should not be memorialized–that her nation must not look at its past. Tell the German people that they should not have to look at any reminders of that sad and sordid time. Better yet, tell the people of Israel that.

See how that goes over. But, be sure to visit Dachau yourself and then write an essay on just what it was that the Germans were trying to “wipe out” and obliterate from human history. Please send me those essays when you return. But you must GO to Germany, not do some sophomoric internet research.

And the next time you dare deface monuments in the United States, or throw Molotov Cocktails, or tear down anything in the name of racial justice–or support those acts from the safety of your home–may I humbly suggest you actually learn enough about history to know that Matthias Baldwin was an abolitionist. That Hans Christian Heg was an abolitionist and immigrant who gave his life in the cause of freeing men. That Grant was the Union General that defeated the Confederacy. And that Lincoln was the President who ended slavery–with the help of hundreds of thousands of people, most of them soldiers whose bodies lay in fields across the Eastern seaboard. He was also President of the United States, and he paid the price of his own life to accomplish that emancipation.

Check out who “Uncle Ben” really was before you gleefully relegate him in your “wokeness” to the dustbin of history. Another black entrepreneur bites the dust if you have your way. His name was Gordon L. Harwell. He may have saved the life of your grandfather in World War 2.

And, as you send the Eskimo Pie there for the same reasons, do you actually know anything about the indigenous peoples of the North? When we love a symbol of something, we tend to learn about the history of that thing. We are curious why someone in marketing picked that symbol. I can assure you they did not do it to offend you and turn you off. They know that if you like and admire the symbol, you will want their product. The serendipity is that you also might have intellectual curiosity about the origins of the symbol. May I suggest you take this time to learn about the Eskimos and their two major tribes, languages and art?

No matter our race, I am quite confident we can decide for ourselves who we wish to like or dislike. We do not need to be railroaded and coerced into compliance with the thought process of those who sit in judgment on us all–every day, about everything in our past.

Last recommendation to my “woke” countrymen. I suggest you study the French Revolution, since you seem to despise the outcome of our American Revolution. Hint: It didn’t turn out well for Robespierre.

“Seven Hours to Dawn”

Published / by Lee Kessler / 1 Comment on “Seven Hours to Dawn”

While in lockdown over the last few months, I engaged avidly in my online business, but I entertained myself by watching reruns of “Gunsmoke.” That, my friends, is something I highly recommend to you during these perilous times.

It’s not just that the show which started airing in 1955–with no slick production values–gained its 20-year following for stellar, provocative, adult writing, and for its stunning acting by not only the series regulars, but also for a list of guest stars that reads like the Who’s Who of Great Hollywood Stars in the ensuing decades. It seems almost as if everyone who ever became a star started on Gunsmoke. If you want TV, real TV, it doesn’t get any realer than “Gunsmoke.”

It was my father’s favorite show. Though I rarely watched it, I see now why it was. And, I see my father, in his own way, was Matt Dillon. That’s what drew me to watch the series now.

But I did not expect to find what I found. The messages of nearly every show I have watched echo to this very moment in time, relevant to nearly every crisis America is facing today–including the crisis of honor, common sense, and emotional maturity.

So, if you have been tearing your hair out as anarchists created “Chaz” in a section of Seattle that they seized, listen to me now. ABC calls it a “festival.” I call it something altogether different when a police station is abandoned and 6 city blocks are cordoned off–not by police–but by the demonstrators. I call it something altogether different when they erected barricades and fences and declared themselves to be a separate, autonomous zone. Armed demonstrators who are self-proclaimed civilian law enforcement guard the entrances to those blocks, and decide who gets in and who does not. Reports of threats of violence against business owners who want to get to their already Corona-Virus, and riot-embattled businesses are surfacing. Reports of extortion, whereby a citizen or business owner has to pay money to be allowed to return to their own property, are surfacing.

I am not there. I have not checked this out in person, as I was prone to do when I was young. Today, however, the group released its “demands,” which must be met, or they will not return the Capital Hill District to Seattle.

And that is why I want you all to YouTube search, or Google Search, and find a way to watch the “Gunsmoke” episode entitled “Seven Hours to Dawn.” I mean it. You will see for yourself in a drama from long ago what it’s like when a gang suddenly arrives in town, closes off the town, shuts down law enforcement, and extorts everything from the now-helpless citizens and businesses.

The Mace Gore gang made its demands. Confident that no law enforcement could rise up against them, they created their own “festival.” But it was not a festival to the citizens of Dodge City whose town, freedom, and civil rights had been stolen.

I would encourage you to watch this. And then see that the news rooms at ABC–and any other fool places who think that this is a “festival,” just a “harmless group of people with grievances”– get to watch it too.

If you are part of the gang that is lawless, and fostering anarchy, it’s a “festival,” a fun evening out where you can tweet out for vegan food. But, for those whose rights have been taken, and who have no police protection now, I am sure it feels very different.

A TV series from 65 years ago is not only powerfully entertaining, but it holds insight for us today. “Seven Hours to Dawn–” if you care!

So, watch it, and decide if you stand with Mace Gore, or you stand with the people of Dodge City. Who knows, “Gunsmoke” might just solve most of our country’s problems, if we will learn today the lessons that show was trying to teach us in 1955.

I will eagerly await your feedback.

A Tale of Two Riots

Published / by Lee Kessler / Leave a Comment

Having lived on the most violent campus in America in 1969–University of Wisconsin, Madison campus–I had the “opportunity” to watch up close and all-too-personal the tactics of two domestic terror groups–the SDS and the Weather Underground. Another Blog will address them. Suffice it to say, I know what “outside agitators” look, act, and sound like. I know planned, repeated vandalism. I recognize carefully orchestrated and perfectly executed fire bombings. And I know mob mentality and hysteria.

In the early 1990s, Los Angeles was besieged with the riots following the Rodney King verdict. With that as the justification, we endured days of rioting, vandalism, violence, looting, and assaults. Though the Media only wanted to focus on the mobs of then African-Americans looting and destroying their own neighborhood businesses, my attention was on something far more sinister–the perfectly time-released fire-bombings. The cameras loved the visual images of buildings in flames, and the looting below, but they ignored the plight of LA Fire Department as they valiantly tried to put out fires. Ultimately, it was hopeless because the bombs were torching buildings a few blocks away from each other, and a precise number of minutes apart. No sooner would one fire crew arrive than they would get another call, and another, and another.

Then, “it” leapt to another segment of the city, quite remote from the first. Always the same pattern. First the fires, then the looting mobs. But, the most interesting part of the story is something I heard anecdotally. The Media never covered what I am about to tell you. But, all you need to do is query some ministers in the areas effected, and you will likely hear the tale. I must have picked it up from some newspaper, or local TV show. The national news had their story. They had accomplished their purpose of fear and chaos. They would not want to cover this.

To calm the streets down, the moms, and ministers in the areas where the rioters were raging went out on the street at night, and patrolled the streets themselves–knowing that their sons would not attack them. It worked.

They further understood, the ministers did, that after a few days, the mind that has been roiled and driven to mindless, insane acts, settles down. And when the individual “comes back to himself” if you will, he has terrible remorse. They knew that would happen here. Soon, the rioters and looters would realize they had destroyed their own neighborhoods, and the businesses of their own friends.

So, the ministers put the word out that if someone felt remorse, they could bring what they had stolen to the churches. They announced an amnesty and said it would be safe. People could simply come and anonymously drop off what they had taken. The ministers informed them to put a note on the item if they remembered where they had stolen it, and if they did not remember, they said, bring it back anyway. We will let the merchants come and figure it out.

Did it work? You skeptics probably think “no way!” If my memory serves me well, approximately 90% of what was stolen was returned. NOW THAT IS A STORY. Likely one you never heard.

Now, contrast that to the riots of this past week. It is almost as if Los Angeles had been a dress rehearsal from 25 years ago. This time, instead of the violence and madness leaping from one neighborhood to another a great distance away, the rage leaped from one major city to another. Then from one state to another. Almost like a diabolical wac-a-mole game, the countries’ law enforcement agencies and fire departments were overwhelmed. Just when they thought they had it quelled, an eruption in another city would ensue.

We are still in the dying throes of the violence, but only after Federal tools became engaged, or were offered. My message though has to do with the fact the Media has had no shortage of “hot spots” to train their cameras on in order to demonstrate to a horrified America the degree of rage, insanity, and hatred that ran our streets. The legal and peaceful protests for the death of George Floyd were disrupted by the violence of another group with another intention. As always, the provocateur will seize upon a legitimate grievance, and use it to ignite the sensational, destructive images we have had to watch.

This time, however, it was so vast in scope, so rapid in its incendiary emotions, so removed from the “neighborhood” that it not only overwhelmed law enforcement and fire departments, I doubt any moms or ministers were able to walk the streets.

That is the tale of the George Floyd riots. In days, minds will calm down, people will restore their emotional stability. Remorse will set in on a national scale, with national proportions.

Alike in tactics, similar in types of devastation, these are the tales of two riots. Do you think you should perhaps speak to every minister in every neighborhood effected, from every religion, and tell them the ending of the first story?

They may have already begun. They may have thought of it, or spoken to counterparts in Los Angeles at that time who may be guiding them on how to restore calm and decency. On the other hand, they may not have thought of it. They, too, may be overwhelmed and afraid. After all, images of churches firebombed and now boarded up are daunting–for all of us to look at. Perhaps the clergy are still in “lockdown.”

I hope not. I am an eternal optimist. What do you say we get 90% of what was stolen returned? What do you say we encourage the looters to begin to make amends? No matter how justified that seemed to them in the heat of “other-generated, destructive passions,” in the end, no one was benefited–except the anarchist. Least of all, the peaceful protesters who wanted to make George Floyd’s death count for something, who wanted to insure accountability, not vengeance for his death.

What do you say? Will you get this to your clergy? I am sure they are creative enough to write their own ending to this tale.