Dyslexia–the Progressives’ Learning Disability

Progressives, if you wonder why we aren’t listening to you, it’s because you—in my opinion—suffer from what I call “Progressive Dyslexia.”  In case you don’t know what I mean by that, I am focusing on this:  your approach to any problem in our society, and the policies you create to handle the issue, are habitually backasswards!

For years now, myself and over 100 million other Americans have had to listen to to you.  Webster’s should add a new phrase into its hallowed pages.  “Progressive Dyslexia: A learning disorder characterized by juvenile emotions, coupled with sophomoric at best analyses, devoid of intellectual curiosity, leading to habitually reversing the sequence of solutions and to disastrous consequences.”

Let me just illustrate what I mean.  Almost all of us have taken a cooking class of some kind, or learned how to read a recipe book.  Always, there are not only ingredients, but also the sequence to put them in to get the desired result.  If you do things in the wrong sequence, you ruin the dish.

The same is true in chemistry.  Before I switched my major to acting and directing I was a science major and took a serious chemistry class my first year of college.  I aced that class.  But, I learned very quickly that when combining substances, there is a sequence to adding things together, so that you form the desired compound you want without blowing up the lab.   Make no mistake, the right ingredients put together in the wrong sequence can create a disaster.

And that is exactly what you Progressives are doing to America.  You are blowing up the lab of the “Great Experiment.”  We have learned from our mistakes and warts through the centuries.  That is because, if we suffered an adverse effect, we reasoned our way through it to a better solution, and then sequenced the solution so that it would produce a result.

So, here is what is so blatantly obvious that you, again in my opinion, deserve to be scorned!  Developing alternative energy sources is a positive idea, and one which most people would agree with, as it represents our continued understanding of resources, and development of those resources, to not only maintain a standard of living, but to enhance it. Here’s the rub.  Any Middle Schooler would be able to figure out that if you want to move away from gas and oil for example, and eventually replace it with electric energy for industry and home, you would not substitute electric for gas when you don’t have the electric ready in sufficient quantity and with distribution systems in place to effect the change.  To stop the gas and oil without the replacement—actual replacement, not a pipe dream high school science project theory—will cost lives, and risk our security. You don’t need an engineering degree to understand this stuff.

 The thinking person would naturally continue the gas and oil, and gradually phase in the electric over time.   At a point, the preponderance shifts to the new energy sources, and you can phase out or down the old.  That is not what you did.  Driven by the emotions of fear and hate, you stopped the oil, and started the puny electric.   It will be years before electric is ready to fuel all our needs—if ever.  Yet, that choice leaves us cold, stranded, and risks our national security as well.

Any of us with pets would know better than that. Just remember what happened when you changed your dog’s food suddenly from dry to wet! You learned real quick that the sequence is keep the dry dog food, and phase in a little wet. Then a little more wet, then more. Eventually, you can end the dry.

Another example that has us scoffing at you.  Even a child in elementary school would have known—since all children play some kind of war or combat games—that if you need or want to withdraw, you take your military out last, not first.  In the case of Afghanistan, the Joint Chiefs and the Administration should perhaps have brought in outside child consultants.   They would have been told for sure to take the citizens and their allies out first, then all equipment the enemy might benefit from, and last the military.  The military role is understandable by even a small child.  You protect the evacuation, and you leave last.

Any of us who fly on airplanes, or who have needed emergency personnel such as firefighters or police  know very well that those people leave last, and get you out first. That is the right sequence.  Gen. Milley and cohorts, yours was the wrong sequence.  Progressive Dyslexia at the highest levels of leadership. 

Also, when confronted with an illness, any of us who has had a cold or flu—or something more serious like a cancer or multiple sclerosis–knows immediately to go to therapeutics first, while seeking a vaccine or a cure.  Yet, during this pandemic, and continuing to this very day, if one seeks out old, tested therapeutics that might lesson symptoms and aid recovery, they are pilloried, vilified, and denied.  Vaccines which are a good idea, but which have not withstood the test of time relevant to their effectiveness and side effects, should not be given first, at the expense of the other.

We don’t need a science degree to know that if our child has a fever of 106 degrees, the doctors will lower that temperature as fast as possible, even while they are testing to identify the cause.  To continue diagnostically searching for a cause and then debating the best therapy may be a good idea in some “bar discussion,” but if the patient suffers brain damage from the intensity of the fever because no one treated that first, the point is moot.  Parents, you know the truth of what I am saying.  If you call the doctor with that emergency, the first thing they will tell you to do is get the kid into an ice bath, or get ice packs, apply them, and get him to the ER.

Common sense my friends.  You all have it.  But the Progressives seem to be controlled by an obsessive, compulsive disorder that demands they go in the wrong sequence to solve problems.  Any idiot can see the problem needs to be solved.  Reversing the sequence of the approach however has “ruined the dish.”

If someone is demanding that you do something illogical, which flies in the face of your life experiences to date, take heed, for Progressive Dyslexia regrettably is a contagious disease.

For more from the author, visit: www.whitekingrising.com

2 thoughts on “Dyslexia–the Progressives’ Learning Disability

  1. Marcy Sanders

    Brilliantly stated! How many times have I thought, “Their doing what?” You explained why it is so hard to understand. The natural, logical, sensical thing to do was not done, but the opposite was. It leaves me wondering how it could happen. Low IQ? Evil intent? Receiving false information paraded as truth? Hypnotized? Paid off by a special interest? Black-mailed? Lied to? It is so sad that the educational system stopped teaching people how to analyze, think for themselves, check the source, look for conflicting data and most importantly to have character in decisions. sorry to see my country fall to these weaknesses. We can still save it. Your blogs are helping.


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