Reintroducing Incoming Tomatoes

When I was a young girl, my father, who was a brilliant and courageous educator, sat me down one day to help me understand why he was under attack for the things he was doing to take a school in Western New York State from one of the worst to one of the best in the whole state.   Though I did not understand why people would attack the man who was making things better for them and their children—who worked every day honestly and tirelessly to create an environment where the teachers could teach, the students could learn, and the parents could be involved and be responsible—nor why they attacked me verbally and sometimes physically, I did understand what he taught me.

The first lesson was simple:   “Lee, we do not live this life to be liked.   We live it to be effective.”

The second lesson equally impactful:   “Lee, you are destined, because of your talents and intelligence, to stick your head above the crowd.   When you stick your head above the crowd, people will throw tomatoes at you.   But you must  keep your head up.    It’s OK to dodge the tomato, but do not duck back down into the safety of the crowd.   You, Lee, have to be brave enough to be one of the ones with his head up, leading.”

My mother taught me the third lesson, which helped me to embrace the two from my father:   “Lee, your father is doing the right thing—not the popular thing—and you are being attacked because they can’t hit him, so they hit you.   You are smaller and weaker, and they are hitting you instead of him.   Because he is doing the right thing, be prepared to take the blow, and know that those delivering it are in fact the weaker, smaller, cowardly ones.”

I have tried to live by these lessons my whole life.   Now, in the later years of my life, I must stick my head up once again, and be prepared for incoming tomatoes.   In my life, I have learned much, and have written much, about this dear country, and how it is being taken down from within. “The White King Series” reveals the truth about what has been ensnaring and engulfing all the people of the United States of America.

The first book, “White King and the Doctor” laid out a diabolical, but often used, strategy and tactics of those who practice Propaganda Warfare, Information Warfare, Psychological Warfare or Black Propaganda.   The purpose is always to confuse and weaken the target, rendering them doubtful, paralyzed, and blind.  After that comes the take down of the target.

Some of you have read the book and felt it revealed the truth in a digestible way.   Current events however are so extreme that there may not be time for you all to read it, and defend yourselves.  Therefore I have decided to blog to you about the real life occurrences that match the “fictional” tactics a very real enemy used against us. This is why the books I wrote seemed so plausible, if not prophetic.  Anchored in “truth,” we have played them out as true in real life.

In coming blogs on INCOMING TOMATOES I will lay out what an enemy did, how they did it, and who was duped and used to unwittingly accomplish that enemy’s goals.    It is my hope that then you will be able to look into the daily news, see the truth, be calmly able to handle the situation, and bring about sanity once again.  In other words, I am about to reveal not just the back story of the prophetic trilogy, but the actual technologies that the Black Propagandist used against you.

When we gain knowledge about a problem, we can take responsibility for it, and we ourselves can control the arena—to RESOLVE THE PROBLEM.  Here’s to Incoming Tomatoes!

One thought on “Reintroducing Incoming Tomatoes

  1. Chris J

    Lee, this is a brilliant and timely post. Thank you for the encouraging lessons from your parents. We met many moons ago at a couple of Louise’s events and I remember being impressed as you spoke of the White King series’ truth. If you haven’t caught it already, give Steve Deace’s book, “A Nefarious Plot” a read, I think you’d really enjoy it it’s essentially a modern homage to C.S. Lewis’s “The Screwtape Letters,” and like your writing pulls no punches in addressing the evil we see everywhere today. Looking forward to more incoming tomatoes! Thank you!


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